

The DOpus object is one of the two global script objects provided by Opus, and is available to all scripts. It provides various helper methods, and collections that let you access things like Listers and toolbars.

Property Name Return Type Description



The Aliases object gives the script access to the defined folder aliases.



Returns a collection of Format objects representing the used-defined favorite formats.



Returns a Favorites object which lets you query and modify the user-defined favorite folders.



Returns a FiletypeGroups object which lets you enumerate and query the configured file type groups.



Returns a GlobalFilters object which lets you access information about the global filter settings (configured on the Filters page in Preferences).



Returns a string representing the current user interface language.



Returns a Listers object which represents any currently open Lister windows (each one is represented by a Lister object).



Returns a SmartFavorites object which lets you query the SmartFavorites data.



Returns the name of the current UI spacing scheme (if any).



Returns a ScriptStrings object which lets your script access any strings defined as string resources.



Returns a TabGroups object which lets your script access and manipulate the configured folder tab groups.



This Vars object represents all defined variables with global scope.



The Version object provides information about the current Opus program version.



Returns a Viewers object which represents any currently open standalone image viewers (each one is represented by a Viewer object).

Method Name Arguments Return Type Description




Clears the script output log.




Creates and returns a new DOpusFactory object, which can be used to create various lightweight helper objects like Blob, Map and Vector.




Delays for the specified number of milliseconds before returning.




Creates a new Dialog object, that lets you display dialogs and popup menus.

Note: Scripts should not usually use this when responding to events triggered by toolbars or folder tabs. The Dialog returned by DOpus.Dlg will not have its parent window configured. Most scripting events provide you an object which can either create a pre-configured Dialog or which includes a SourceTab property or similar which can do the same. In almost all situations you should use those instead.




Creates the DPI helper object which assists when dealing with different system scaling settings (e.g. high-DPI monitors).




Forces Opus to write any configuration changes to disk immediately.




Creates a new FSUtil object, that provides helper methods for accessing the file system.


or <string:type>

or object:Items 

Retrieves the current contents of the system clipboard, if it contains either text or files.

You can control the returned type by passing either "text" or "files" for the <type> argument - Opus will convert to the requested type if possible.

If <type> is not specified the contents will be returned in their native format.


none or <string:flags>


Returns a string indicating the native format of the clipboard contents.

Optional flags:

cDifferentiate between cut and copied files

Possible return values:

filesFiles, if flags omitted or doesn't include c
files_copyFiles via Copy (Ctrl-C), if flags includes c
files_cutFiles via Cut (Ctrl-X), if flags includes c
imageBitmap data
textText data
<empty string>Empty clipboard, or any other type of data


or <string:flags>


Returns a Listers object which represents any currently open Lister windows (each one is represented by a Lister object). This is the same as using the listers property, except that you can specify the optional flags:

cCurrent desktop only. Only returns Listers from the current virtual desktop.




Returns a string indicating which qualifier keys are currently held down. If none are held down, the string will be "none". Otherwise, the string can contain any or all of the following, separated by commas: "shift", "ctrl", "alt", "lwin", "rwin".

Note that many events pass you a similar list of qualifiers. If you are passed a list of qualifiers, you should generally use that list rather than call DOpus.GetQualifiers.

For example, script commands are passed a Func object with a qualifiers property. That property will tell you which keys were held down when the command was triggered, and that may be different to the keys held down a few seconds later. When the user clicks a button to run a command, they normally expect the command to use the keys they held when they clicked, not the keys they are touching later while waiting for it to finish.

Similarly, events like OnBeforeFolderChange will often pass you an object like BeforeFolderChangeData containing a qualifiers property which indicates key state when the event was triggered. You should normally use that instead of calling DOpus.GetQualifiers.

If you do call DOpus.GetQualifiers, you would normally want to call it as soon as possible and then store the result, so there is less time for the user to let go of a key after triggering your script.

If you call DOpus.GetQualifiers more than once, you may get a different result each time, due to keys being pushed or released between calls. Call it once and store the result if you need to do multiple checks and need them to be consistent. This does not generally affect the qualifiers properties mentioned earlier, since they are usually stored snapshots of the key state.




Kills a timer that was previous created with the SetTimer or SetScheduledTimer methods.


<string:filename> or <object:Blob>


Loads an image file from the specified file. You can optionally specify the desired size to load the image at, and whether the alpha channel (if any) should be loaded or not. Note that the typehint argument should only be provided if passing a Blob.

You can load icons from the internal icon set using #iconname. E.g. #copy would load the copy image from the default set. By default the large size is returned; use #0:iconname for the small size. You can also specify a particular icon set using #setname:iconname or #0:setname:iconname.

Images can be extracted from DLLs and EXEs by appending the icon index to the filename, e.g. /system/zipfldr.dll,1.

You can also provide a Blob object containing the image data instead of a filename. If you do this, the second parameter can be a typehint string to provide a type-hint for the data format (e.g. pass ".jpg" if you know it's JPEG data).

The returned Image object can be given as the value of the Control.label property for a static control in a script dialog (when that control is in "image" mode). You can also assign it as the icon property of a Dialog object to specify a custom window icon for your script dialog.

If width and height are not provided, they default to 0, meaning the image is loaded at its native size. The width and height parameters only specify the desired size; the resultant image may be smaller or larger, and should be scaled after loading if you need it to be an exact size. The main purpose of the width and height parameters is to influence which image within an icon is loaded; most other image formats either ignore the parameters or only use them to speed things up, such as avoiding a full JPEG decode if a partial decode can satisfy the desired image size.

Images are loaded transparently (with alpha) by default; set the alpha argument to False if you want to disable that.



bool (False)

Extracts a thumbnail from the specified external file. You can optionally specify a timeout (in milliseconds) and the desired size to load the thumbnail at.

The optional flags value supports the following flags (supplied as a string):

iprevents Opus from waiting for thumbnails that may take some time to generate, and instead returns a large icon if the thumbnail can't be generated immediately
cmodifies the i flag to only apply to Cloud storage folders

If loading fails (or the timeout expires before the thumbnail could be generated) this method returns False.

The returned Image object can be given as the value of the Control.label property for a static control in a script dialog (when that control is in "image" mode). You can also assign as to the icon property of a Dialog object to specify a custom window icon for your script dialog.




Returns a Vector of strings representing the music genres configured to be shown in the Genre field of the metadata panel.




Displays a system notification (or in Windows 7, a balloon tooltip). This requires the Opus taskbar icon to be added to the taskbar notification area so if it's turned off in Preferences, it will be added temporarily and then removed again.

The optional flags are:

nNo sound. Prevents the system from playing a sound when the notification is displayed.




Prints the specified text string to the script output log (found in the Utility Panel,  the CLI in script mode, the Rename dialog and the Command Editor in script mode).

If the second argument is provided and set to True, the message will be displayed as an error. This means the text will be displayed in red and if no log windows are currently open, a warning icon will flash in the Lister status bar to alert the user of an error condition.

If the optional third argument is provided and set to True then the log message will have a timestamp prepended to it. Timestamps only appear in the utility panel, not in places like the Command Editor's output panel. Error messages always get timestamps so if the second argument is True then the third is ignored




Causes Opus to reload and reinitialize the specified script. You must provide the full pathname of the script on disk (if a script add-in wants to reload itself you can pass the value of the Script.file property).


[<int:data> or


Sends a named message to any existing script dialogs that have registered to receive that message via Dialog.AddCustomMsg.

Any dialogs that have registered for the message will receive a "custom" Msg in their message loop, with the message name in the name property.

You can optionally pass a single numeric value, or a container object (e.g. a Map) along with the message, which will be received by the dialog in either the data or object property of the Msg.




Sends the specified keystroke to the system. The key will be routed to whichever window currently has focus. For example, DOpus.SendKey("win+v"); sends the Win+V key to the system, which opens the Windows clipboard viewer.

Supported qualifier keys are shift, ctrl, alt and win.

As well as letters and numbers, the following named keys are also supported: backspace, capslock, delete , down, end, enter, escape, home, insert, left, numlock, pagedown, pageup, pause, printscr, right, scrlock, space, tab, up.


or object:Items
or none


Places the specified text, or Items object (or similar, see below) on the system clipboard. If called with no arguments the clipboard will be cleared.

When passing a file list, you can also give a Vector of Item or Path objects, or full path strings, instead of a collection. Or a StringSet or UnorderedSet of full path strings.




For a script that implements the OnScheduledTimer event, this creates a (or modifies an existing) timer that will call your method when the specified date/time is reached. The id argument specifies an integer ID that identifies the timer, and the expirydate specifies the expiry date of the timer - either as a string or as a Date object. The method returns true if the timer was successfully scheduled.

Note that you can't schedule a timer more than (approximately) 25 days in advance.




For a script that implements the OnPeriodicTimer event, this creates a (or modifies an existing) timer that will call your method at regular intervals. The id argument specifies an integer ID that identifies the timer, and the interval specifies the timer interval in milliseconds. Use KillTimer to kill an established timer.




Returns a Toolbars object which lets you enumerate all defined toolbars (whether they are currently open or not).

You can restrict this object to only return in-use toolbars by specifying the optional type parameter - specify "listers" to only return toolbars currently turned on in a Lister, and "docks" to only return toolbars that are currently floating.




Returns a string indicating the type of an object or variable.