The TabStats object provides various information and statistics about the current folder displayed in a tab. Note that the Tab object provides two versions of this object. Tab.selstats takes Checkbox Mode into account, and in this mode the values of the "checked" and the "selected" properties will be the same. If the object was retrieved via Tab.stats and the file display is in Checkbox Mode, the two sets of properties will be different.
Property Name | Return Type | Description |
bigimage_h |
int |
Returns the width in pixels of the largest image in the folder. |
bigimage_w |
int |
Returns the height in pixels of the largest image in the folder. |
bytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in the folder as a FileSize object. |
checkbox_mode |
bool |
Returns True if the tab is currently in Checkbox Mode. |
checkedbytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in checked items as a FileSize object. |
checkeddirbytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in checked folders as a FileSize object. |
checkeddirs |
int |
Returns the total number of checked folders. |
checkedexpanded |
int |
Returns the total number of checked items that exist within expanded folders. |
checkedfilebytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in checked files as a FileSize object. |
checkedfiles |
int |
Returns the total number of checked files. |
checkeditems |
int |
Returns the total number of checked items. |
checkedmusiclength |
int |
Returns the total length in seconds of all checked music files. |
dirbytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in all folders as a FileSize object. |
dirs |
int |
Returns the total number of folders. |
expandedcontents |
int |
Returns the total number of items that exist within expanded folders. |
expandeddirs |
int |
Returns the number of folders that have their contents expanded. |
filebytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in all files as a FileSize object. |
filedate_max |
date |
Returns the latest (most recent) file date in the folder. |
filedate_min |
date |
Returns the earliest (oldest) file date in the folder. |
files |
int |
Returns the total number of files. |
items |
int |
Returns the total number of items. |
largestfile |
object:FileSize |
Returns the size of the largest file in the folder as a FileSize object. |
musiclength |
int |
Returns the total length in seconds of all music files. |
selbytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in all selected items as a FileSize object. |
seldirbytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in all selected folders as a FileSize object. |
seldirs |
int |
Returns the number of selected folders. |
selexpanded |
int |
Returns the total number of selected items that exist within expanded folders. |
selfilebytes |
object:FileSize |
Returns the total number of bytes in all selected files as a FileSize object. |
selfiles |
int |
Returns the number of selected files. |
selitems |
int |
Returns the number of selected items. |
selmusiclength |
int |
Returns the total length in seconds of all selected music files. |
Method Name | Arguments | Return Type | Description |
Update |
none |
none |
The first time a script accesses a particular TabStats object, a snapshot is taken of the tab state. If the script then makes changes to that tab (e.g. it selects files, creates a new folder, etc), these changes will not be reflected by the object. To re-synchronize the object with the tab, call the TabStats.Update method. |