
This toolbar is displayed at the top of each file display (assuming the option to use a toolbar for the Location Bar is turned on in Preferences on the Location Bar / Toolbar page).

The buttons on this toolbar are:

  •  Back: Navigates back to the previously displayed folder. Right-click (or click and hold with the left button) the button to display a list of all prior folders.
  •  Forward: Navigates forward in the history (once you have moved back, you can go forward again). Right-click (or click and hold with the left button) the button to display a list of any folders forward of the current position.
  •  Up: Navigates up to the parent of the current folder. Right-click to show a drop-down menu. See the Up, Forwards, Back page for more information on these three concepts.
  •  Refresh: Refresh the current folder (both file display and tree are refreshed by default).
  •  Home: Go to your home folder. Right-click to show a drop-down menu.

After those buttons is the "breadcrumbs" path field that displays your current location.

The remaining elements are not actually part of the toolbar - they are part of the underlying File Display border.