Directory Opus 13 - Detailed release notes

  • Contents:
    • (Configured via Preferences / Folder Tree / Contents.)
    • Root items in the folder tree can be rearranged or turned off.
    • Individual folders under the Profile directory can be shown or hidden.
    • Windows 11: Opus now filters out the plethora of random folders Microsoft added under Desktop. A new option lets you add them back.
    • Option to hide non-drives under This PC. (Will only show drive letters and MTP devices, no "media" devices.)
    • Option to show only labels for drives.
    • Option to show full paths for Smart Favorites.
    • The user profile folder (normally your user name) is now displayed as "Profile" by default. It can be changed back if you wish.
    • Support for Linux virtual folder \\wsl$\ when present on supported Windows versions. Can be hidden if not wanted.
    • New option, "Remove dynamically added folders". When on, root folders that were added dynamically (to show a branch that is normally hidden) are removed again when you navigate away. When off, they stay until the window closes.
    • Changes to the Quick Access folder are now reflected sooner in the folder tree (and on toolbars, if the folder has been added to them).
    • The Favorites branch now supports separators in the tree.
    • Removed the "Start Desktop at…" dropdown. This confused people, and most of what it did can now be achieved in other ways. For example, This PC can be moved to a separate group, which is similar to the "start at Computer" option, and "non-drive folders" can be turned off, which is similar to the "start at Drives" option.
  • Network servers:
    • The Network branch now updates automatically when machines come and go (as long as Windows itself notices).
    • The list of computers under Network in the folder tree is now cached for faster access, including across restarts.
    • Caching can be configured under Preferences / Folders / Network Folders.
    • You can also specify one or more servers which should always be listed, even if Windows fails to find them.
  • Cloud storage:
    • Option to put Cloud Storage folders in their own part of the tree, or hide them entirely.
    • Synology shares are now shown properly in the tree (and on the Desktop) as links directly to the share folder, rather than the intermediate folder containing shortcuts.
  • Expansion and pinned branches:
    • (Configured via Preferences / Folder Tree / Expand/Collapse.)
    • Tree header has new "collapse all" button. Collapses all folders except those leading to the current path.
    • Tree header has new button to manage expansion presets:
      • Save a list of which folders are expanded and collapsed into a named preset.
      • Load a preset to expand and collapses folders to match what was saved.
      • Use multiple presets for different situations.
    • New option, "Expansion pins on folder tree branches":
      • Pinned branches remain expanded and cannot be collapsed. They remain expanded when you click the "collapse all" button.
      • Expansion pins, if enabled, display on mouseover, on the right of each branch.
      • Click pin once to pin a folder and again to un-pin it.
      • Ctrl+Space toggles the selected branch's pin, if the tree has keyboard focus.
    • New option to remember the expansion state of all tree items (not just the root items as in Opus 12).
    • New option to remember the expansion state of root items. (Opus 12 always did this; now it's optional.)
    • New option to only remember expansion state of pinned items.
    • Tree branches now animate briefly when expanded by mouse or keyboard. New option, "Animate expanding branches" to turn it off.
    • The old "Expand My Computer branch" option has been removed, since the state of all folders is remembered automatically.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Tree item height, indentation and spacing are now configurable.
    • New option to prevent scrolling when branches expand. (Stops the tree jumping down to show as much of the expanded branch as possible.)
    • "Position selected item" setting has a new "25% from the top of the tree" option, in addition to the older "top" and "middle" choices.
    • New option show or hide the tree header's lock button. (Off by default. People tended to click it without understanding what it did.)
    • You can now create hotkeys which only apply when the folder tree has focus.
  • Commands:
    • Go TREEEXPAND=... and Go TREECOLLAPSE=... – Expand or collapse multiple tree branches in various ways. Parameters include:
      • "focus": Expand/collapse the tree item with input focus.
      • "all": Expand/collapse the current branch and everything within it.
      • "first": Expand/collapse the current branch only.
      • "second": Expand/collapse current branch on first use, then expand/collapse all its children on second use.
      • (The old Go EXPANDTREE is hidden, but still works. Go TREEXPAND with no additional parameters does the same thing.)
    • Go REMEMBERTREEEXPANSION and Go RESTORETREEEXPANSION – Save and load which tree items are expanded and collapsed.
      • NAME argument can specify preset to load or save.
      • If no preset is specified, expansin state is stored in memory temporarily until the window closes.
    • Go RESTORETREEEXPANSION=list – Displays a list of saved presets which you can load. (You'd normally access this via the tree header, but that can be hidden.)
    • Go RESTORETREEEXPANSION=reset – Reset tree expansion to its initial state.
    • Go TREESETPINSTATE – Toggles the selected item's pin.

Next: File Display