This page contains options that control the appearance and behavior of file displays when they are set to Power mode. Power mode is like Details mode except that you have far more control over the behavior of the file display in this mode.
Copy column data with Ctrl + right-click: Enables you to copy data from individual columns or cells. See Selecting Cells.
Always in keyboard mode: Power mode file displays are not in keyboard mode by default - the cursor keys scroll the list rather than moving the focus from one item to another. When this option is on, power mode file displays are always in keyboard mode - the cursor keys act like they do in a details mode file display.
Activate Keyboard Mode when a partial filename is typed: If this option is turned on, typing into the file display to activate the Find-as-you-type field will also place the file display in keyboard mode.
Automatically select first file in folder: When navigating to a new folder, this option causes the first item in the list to be selected automatically.
Display Power mode toolbar buttons: Buttons that turn on Power mode are hidden by default because Power mode tends to be confusing for people who don't realise what it is. Turn this option on to make those buttons visible.
Enter key opens all selected files: When the file display isn't in keyboard mode, the Enter key normally does nothing - with this option on, any selected files will be opened when Enter is pressed.
When the file display is in keyboard mode, this option controls whether all selected files are opened when Enter is pressed, or only the file that currently has input focus.
Sort-field specific key scrolling: Normally, when you type in the file display (and the Find-as-you-type field comes up in Find mode), Opus will search for items by name and scroll to show them. If this option is on, the current sort field can affect this behavior - for example, if the list is sorted by the Type column, the FAYT field will search for items by file type rather than by name.