
This page lets you configure the automatic update checker. Opus can be set to look for updates automatically and download them in the background ready for you to install.

  • Check for news and program updates: This option enables the update checker. You can choose either a daily, weekly or monthly schedule to check for updates.
  • Automatically download new program updates: If new updates are found, Opus will automatically download them for you. Updates will never be installed automatically, but the files will be downloaded ready for you to install when you're ready.
  • Check for new beta releases: By default the update checker only identifies official releases, but you can turn this on to be notified of new Beta releases as well. Note that if the installed version is a beta, Opus will always check for newer beta versions.
  • Check for and install updated Program Certificates: When doing the update check, Opus can also check for new program certificates and install them automatically.
  • Perform automatic update check silently: If this option is turned on, Opus will check in the background and only notify you if an update is actually available. If you turn this off, the update checker window will pop-up whenever an automatic update check begins. If this option is on and Automatically download is also enabled, you won't be notified until the update has actually been downloaded and is ready to be installed.
  • Only show a status bar icon when new updates are found: If this option is turned on as well, the update checker will never open automatically. If an update is found to be available, you will be notified subtly with an icon in the Lister status bar.