
This page contains options that affect some aspects of the appearance of toolbars and menus.

  • Display drop shadow under menus: Controls whether drop-down (or pop-up) menus have a shadow underneath them or not.
  • Display toolbar top and bottom borders: Controls whether toolbars have a top and bottom border or not.
  • Horizontal button spacing: Change the horizontal spacing between toolbar buttons.
  • Vertical button spacing: Change the vertical spacing between toolbar buttons (it also affects the padding at the top and bottom of toolbars).
  • Vertical spacing for individual buttons on vertical toolbars: The vertical spacing setting will apply to buttons on vertical toolbars as well as horizontal toolbars.
  • Vertical spacing for individual items in pop-up menus: The vertical spacing setting will apply to buttons in pop-up menus.
  • Scale Toolbar button images: Images you use for toolbar buttons will be scaled to the "standard" size if they are larger than the size set for the toolbar. The standard Opus toolbar image sizes are 22x22 for small images and 32x32 for large images (multiplied by your system DPI).
  • Global Scaling: Apply a scaling factor to all toolbar icons.