
This page contains options that control the sizes of Folder Tabs.

Horizontal tabs

When tabs run along the top or bottom of the Lister, these options apply.

  • Same size tabs: Instead of sizing automatically to fit their label, tabs will all be the same width. There are two ways this can work:         
    • Automatic size: Tabs are all the same width, but this width is determined automatically to fit the widest label.
    • Fixed size: Tabs will all be the width in pixels that you specify here.
  • Maximum tab size: The maximum width of a tab, in pixels. Tabs will never be wider than the width you set here.
  • Minimum tab size: The minimum width of a tab, in pixels. Tabs will never be narrower than the width you set here.
  • Reduce tab sizes to fit available space: As the number of tabs increases the size of each tab will be reduced to avoid the tabs overflowing the available space.
Vertical tabs

When tabs run down the left or right sides of the Lister, these options apply.

  • Automatic width: The width of the tab bar will change automatically to fit the widest tab.
  • Initial width: The tab bar won't grow automatically. This specifies its initial width - you can resize it manually with the mouse.