The FTP Address Book lets you maintain a collection of FTP sites, each with their own login details and other configuration. If you have lots of sites to keep track of you can also organise them into folders. To display the FTP Address Book, select the Edit Address Book command from the FTP menu on the default toolbar, or from the right-click context menu for the FTP item in the folder tree.


The left-hand side of the FTP Address Book dialog displays your address book entries. The toolbar at the top is used to add or edit the entries; the New FTP Site () button adds a new site to the list, Duplicate FTP Site () duplicates an existing site, the New Folder () button creates a folder that you can use to organise your sites, the Rename () button renames an existing site or folder, and the Delete () button deletes the selected site or folder.

The drop-down Connect () button lets you establish a connection to the selected site in the address book. There are many other ways to connect to a site; this is mainly just provided as a convenience for when you are editing the address book.

The File menu at the top of the dialog contains the following commands:

The Edit menu contains the standard Copy / Cut / Paste commands; you can use these to copy the settings from one FTP site to another, or to move sites between folders. You can also re-arrange the address book using standard drag and drop techniques. All sites and folders listed in the address book also have a context menu accessed by clicking them with the right mouse button - this provides another way of accessing the above commands.

The special Default Settings entry in the address book is not a real site; instead it lets you configure default settings that apply to all FTP sites unless the site entries override them. The configuration for each site is broken into a number of pages, each with one or more sections, and the individual sections for a site can be set to use the defaults or to override them at the site level.


The pages for each site entry are:


Default Settings
Site Page
Network Page
Display Page
Index Page
Sounds Page
Misc Page
Speed Page
Special Page
Proxy Page