Added "duration" and "durationh" script column types. Displays the provided (integer) value as a duration:
Value represents the number of seconds.
"duration" only shows hours if the value is large enough to need them.
"durationh" always shows hours, even if they are zero.
Vector.Reverse() – Method. Reverses the order of elements.
Tab.dest – Property. Returns true if the tab is a destination.
There are situations where a tab is neither source nor destination, so the "source" property isn't always sufficient on its own.
Tab.source and Tab.dest are now always false for inactive (hidden) tabs. (Previously, inactive tabs returned stale information from the last time they were active.)
DOpus.Listers.ToFront() – Method. Moves one or more windows to the front.
Accepts a window handle or a vector of window handles.
The last window will be on top of the others. The rest will stack below it, in reverse order.
Lister.WindowState – Property. Provides window state ("min", "max", "hidden", "normal").
Lister.ViewPaneFile – Property. Provides path of file (if any) currently in the viewer pane.
Viewer.ParentLister – Property. Provides the Lister (if any) which launched the standalone viewer.
Viewer.ParentListerLinked – Property. Returns true if the viewer is Lister-Linked. (See
Viewer, Lister-Linked viewers.)
Format.group_by – Property. Now works with script columns.
Item.nested – Property. True if the file or folder is under an expanded folder. (See
File Display, Expandable folders.)
ItemCollection.RemoveNested() – Method. Removes any nested items from the collection, and returns the number removed.
Favorites object:
When adding a new separator using the "sep" keyword, heading text can be given as in "sep:heading text".
Separator items have a SetHeading() method which lets the heading be modified.
StringTools.LanguageStr – Method. Returns the translated version of a string. (Only for supported strings.)
StringTools.MakeLegal – Method. Replaces characters which are invalid in a filename or path.
StringTools.RemoveDiacritics() – Method. Removes things like accents from characters in a string:
StringTools.Truncate – Method. Truncates a string or path to a specified width.
QuickFilter.flatview – Property. Tells you if filtering of Flat View folders is on or off.
The old QuickFilter.overrideflatview property remains for compatibility, but is probably not very useful. It only tells you if the global Preferences setting is being overridden, but not what the Preferences setting, or the end result, actually is.
The new property gives you the end result directly.
File lists passed to Command.AddFiles, Command.SetFiles, DOpus.SetClip and Dialog.Drag can now be contained in a StringSet or UnorderedSet of full path strings.
FSUtil.Hash now supports "blake3" as a hash method.
Scripting clickData.func.sourcetab.lister.utilpage – Now returns "ScriptLog" for the Script Log.
In JScript (but not VBScript), collections can now be indexed with square brackets as well as parentheses. E.g. DOpus.Listers[0].activetab works like DOpus.Listers(0).activetab. provides Rename scripts with the tab (and thus Lister) which launched the Rename command. Returns false if there is no tab.
When a tab becomes active because another tab closed, the OnActivateTab method is now fired synchronously so the "oldtab" value remains valid.
Added ActivateTabData.closing property which is True if the activation change is due to the old tab closing.
Scripts can now extract icons from DLLs and EXEs using the standard LoadImage functions.
Scripts can now access internal icon images. Pass the icon name prefixed with # (e.g. "#copy"). By default, the large size is returned; use "#0:name" for the small size. You can also specify a particular set using "#set:icon" or "#0:set:icon".
DOpus.GetClipFormat can now be asked to differentiate between files placed on the clipboard via copy and those placed via cut.
FSUtil: Exists, GetType and PathType methods no longer trigger password prompts if given a path involving an encrypted archive.