If a script add-in implements the OnAfterFolderChange event, the method receives an AfterFolderChangeData object once the folder read is complete.

Property Name Return Type Description



Returns a string indicating the action that triggered the folder read. The string will be one of the following: normal, refresh, refreshsearch, refreshsub, parent, root, back, forward, dblclk.
The refreshsub actions means the folder (and sub-folders) are being refreshed while Flat View is on. The other action names should be self-explanatory.



If the read failed, this will return a Path object representing the path that Opus tried to read.
If the read was successful, this property is not provided - instead, the tab property provides access to this information.
Use the result property to know if the read was a success.



Returns a string indicating any qualifier keys that were held down by the user when the event was triggered.
The string can contain any or all of the following: shift ctrl, alt, lwin, rwin
If no qualifiers were down, the string will be: none



Returns True if the folder was read successfully, or False on failure.



Returns a Tab object representing the tab that read the folder.