Desktop folders

This list shows any special folders that third-party software has added to the desktop. Often (but not always) these are used for cloud storage (e.g. OneDrive, Dropbox). Folders that Opus identifies as cloud storage will:

Opus will try to identify special desktop folders as cloud storage automatically, but if it gets it wrong you can click in the Cloud Storage column to mark a folder as cloud storage manually. Folders that are identified automatically will show a dark cloud, and folders you've marked yourself will show a bright cloud.

The Show column lets you control where the folder is shown; choose from:

Other cloud folders

Some cloud software doesn't add a folder to the desktop - for example, Google Drive often adds its own drive letter to the system instead. If you use cloud software that isn't shown in the Desktop folders list, you can add its location here to have Opus trigger the Cloud Storage folder format automatically for that folder as well.

Note that folders you add here won't currently appear in the Cloud Storage branch of the tree - that only works for desktop folders. This limitation may be removed in the future.