These options control automatic path completion in path fields (mainly in the breadcrumbs bar, but also in other path fields throughout the program).

With path completion enabled, as you type a path in Opus autocompletes the current folder name with the first matching folder found. You can ignore it and keep typing, or press a path separator key (:, / or \) or Enter to accept the completed path component. You can also press the or cursor key to scroll through other matching folder names.

As well as regular paths Opus also auto-completes paths that you begin with a % character (for environment variables), paths that begin with a / (aliases), and URL-style paths (coll:// or ftp://, for example). When the cursor is at very beginning of the field there are also some special characters that will be expanded to certain locations as a shortcut:

~ (tilde)Your personal profile folder
` (back-tick)The desktop directory
$ (dollar sign)Your documents folder
* (asterisk)Your favorites folder
} (right brace)The Windows folder
^ (caret)The Windows System folder
# (hash/pound sign)The program files folder