This page contains miscellaneous options relating to file operations.

Use template when creating shortcuts

This template is used to define the new name of a shortcut to an existing file or folder (for example, when you drag & drop a file with the right button and choose Create Shortcut Here from the context menu). You can use these codes in the template string to insert information:

For example, the default template is %1 - Shortcut %2. Say you pick a file "Document.txt" and make a shortcut to it.

The first shortcut in that location has a "shortcut count" of 1, which is not shown - so %2 will expand to nothing. The first shortcut's name would be Document - Shortcut.lnk.

If you make a second shortcut, the count would be 2, and the new filename would be Document - Shortcut (2).lnk.

You can also use the evaluator to generate a new name - see Generated File Names for details.