Themes let you save just your color, image and font settings as a separate configuration file. You can quickly switch from one theme to another, or share them with others.

The themes list shows your currently installed themes (as well as the default dark and light themes). Select a theme from the list to see a thumbnail preview and information about it.

If the selected theme's preview image is large enough, you can click the preview on the right to see the full-size image.


Applying a theme

Select a theme from the list and click Apply above the list. Alternatively, double-click the theme. You can then choose which aspects of the theme are applied over your configuration.

The options when applying a theme are:

You can also choose to make an automatic backup of your current settings when applying a theme.

Creating a new theme

To create a theme from your current configuration, click the New button. You'll be prompted to enter a name and other information like author and a description. You can choose which parts of your configuration are saved in the theme - for example, you can save just colors without affecting fonts if you like.


You must provide a number of parameters when saving a theme:

Once you've defined your theme click the OK button to save it.

Cloning an existing theme

The Duplicate button lets you take the details from an existing theme, although note it doesn't clone that theme's color settings - only the information in the Save New Theme dialog is cloned. To make a full duplicate of an existing theme including its color settings, use the Duplicate button on the main Preferences page.

Updating a theme

The Edit button lets you an existing theme. The Edit Theme dialog which appears lets you edit the theme's details, with an Update Content button which replaces the theme's color and font details with your current settings.

Importing and exporting themes

The Import and Export buttons above the list can be used to share themes with others. You can also drag themes to and from the list (except for the two default themes).

Cleaning up unused data

The Clean Up button above the list can be used to delete unwanted theme backups, as well as background images which are no longer in use. If you click it, it will give you a list of things you may want to delete and ask if you wish to do so.