The Index page controls whether each directory's index file is to be downloaded for a site listed in the FTP Address Book. The index file is an optional file that FTP server administrators can place in each folder on a site to provide descriptions for the files in that directory. If index downloading is enabled, whenever you change directory on an FTP site Opus will look for the index file, and download it in the background. Once the index file has been downloaded the file display will be updated to show the file descriptions. The index is downloaded on a background thread so you don't have to wait for it to finish before you can access the site.

This page has two different forms. For the Default Settings entry you can configure global settings that help Opus recognise and interpret index files. For each individual site entry you can selectively enable index downloading.

The options that are common to both the Default Settings and individual sites are:

The global options that are only available for the Default Settings entry are: