~~Title: Edit Control Properties ~~ Note that the //Edit Control// uses the **Title** property to set its default value. The specific properties applicable to the //Edit Control// are: * **Edit Type**: Sets the type of the edit control. The available types are: * **Single line**: Allows the entry of a single line of text. * **Multiline**: Lets you enter multiple lines of text. When the cursor is on this type of control, pushing the **Return** key will insert a line break in the text. * **Number**: Allows the entry of a positive, whole number. * **Password**: Designed for password entry, this control type obscures the text you type into it. * **Cue Text**: Specifies a “cue” string that’s displayed by the control when it’s empty (i.e. to provide a hint to the user as to what they should enter). Only available in **Single line** mode. * **Read Only**: Set to **True** to make the control “read only” – text in it can be viewed, selected and copied, but not edited. * **Max Length**: Sets the maximum length in characters that can be entered into the control. If empty (or set to **0**) there will be no limit on the amount of text that can be entered. * **Up/Down Control**: Set to **True** to give a **Number** control a set of up/down arrows that the user can click to adjust the value. * **Minimum Value**: Sets the minimum acceptable value the Up/Down control will allow the user to enter. * **Maximum Value**: Sets the maximum acceptable value the Up/Down control will allow the user to enter.