~~Title: Combo Box Properties ~~ The specific properties applicable to the //Combo Box// control are: * **Content**: Lets you specify the initial contents of the combo box control. Each value you enter (one per line) will appear in the drop-down list. You can also manipulate the contents of the combo box from your script. * **Sort**: Set to **True** to have the contents of the combo box automatically sorted alphabetically. * **Combo Type**: This sets the type of the combo box control. Available types are: * **Drop-down**: Provides a drop-down list of options that the user can select from. Does not allow the user to enter their own text. * **Drop-down Edit**: Provides a drop-down list of options, and also a text field that the user can type into. This lets the user choose from a predefined list or enter their own text. * **Simple List**: Provides a flat list of options (always displayed, rather than as a drop-down) and a text field that the user can type into. * **Max Length**: If the combo allows the user to type their own text, this lets you specify the maximum length of text that can be entered.