~~Title: Script Assets~~ {{ :media:13:scripteditor_assets.png?nolink|}} The Assets panel in the script editor is where you view and manage the various files and resources that are part of your script. * Packaged scripts (those with a `.osp` suffix) support multiple script code files (each of which can contain embedded resources like dialogs and strings), and image and icon files. * Single file scripts (i.e. a `.js` or `.vbs` file) supported embedded resources. The panel has three tabs (two in the case of single file scripts): * **Scripts**: Lists the individual code files that make up this script. For a single file script, this list will contain just a single item (the file itself). A packaged script can contain multiple code files, and they will be listed separately. Each individual code file can be split up into [[..:script_add-ins:modules|modules]], and these are shown indented under their primary file. * **Resources**: Shows any dialogs or language string sets that have been embedded in any of the code files that make up the script. * **Other**: For script packages, shows any icon sets or image files that the package contains. To add or manage assets a script's assets, right-click on the item in question, or use the commands in the //Assets// drop-down menu.