~~Title: Script Dialogs ~~ Scripts are able to define free-form dialogs in much the same way that “proper” Windows software can, using many of the standard Windows controls. {{:media:image057.png?nolink|}} \\ Above is an example of the type of dialog that scripts can create. Dialogs are defined as “resources” – XML formatted data that defines the dialog and control layout. Any script can have resources attached – either a script in a button, or one in the Script Add-Ins folder. A full GUI-based dialog editor is provided inside the script and function editors, which makes it very easy to design script dialogs. {{:media:image059.png?nolink|}}   More: [[~creating_script_dialogs|Creating Script Dialogs]]\\ [[.script_editor:editors:dialog_editor|Dialog Editor]]\\ [[~the_dialog_message_loop|The Dialog Message Loop]]\\ [[~reading_dialog_control_values|Reading Dialog Control Values]]\\ [[~interacting_with_dialog_controls|Interacting with Dialog Controls]]\\