~~Title: Script Package ~~ To make it easier to distribute your scripts to others, you can bundle one or more script add-ins in an archive called a //Script Package// (a zip file with the **.osp** suffix). You can also include a set of icons that can provide the default icon images for any internal commands your scripts add. To make a script package: * Create a Zip archive (leave its suffix as **.zip** for the moment). * Copy your script files (**.js**, **.vbs**, etc) into the archive. * When finished, rename the archive to give it a **.osp** suffix. If you like you can add **.osp** to the list of recognized Zip file extensions on the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:zip_and_other_archives|Zip & Other Archives / Zip Files]]** page in Preferences, to make script packages easier to deal with in Opus. If you want to add icons that your scripts can refer to: * Create an icon set, following the specifications in the [[:reference:icon_sets|Icon Sets]] reference section. //Do not zip this to a **.dis** file.// * Create a sub-folder in the script package archive called **icons**. * Copy all the files of your icon set into the **icons** sub-folder. In your scripts, you can use the icons in your icon setĀ as the default toolbar buttonĀ images for any [[..:example_scripts:adding_a_new_internal_command|internal commands]] you add, using the **[[:reference:scripting_reference:scripting_objects:scriptcommand|ScriptCommand]].icon** property. Script packages can also include external [[..:resources|script resource]] files. These must be XML files with the file extension **.odxml**. You can use the **[[:reference:scripting_reference:scripting_objects:script|Script]].LoadResources** method in your script to load the script resource file from the package.