~~Title: Adding a new Column from Shell Properties ~~ Directory Opus has script support for Windows shell properties, making it easy for a script to enumerate properties in the system and retrieve the properties for a file. * Use **FSUtil.GetShellPropertyList** to retrieve a list of properties (optionally matching a wildcard pattern). * Use **FSUtil.GetShellProperty** to get the value of one or more properties for a file. * Use **Item.ShellProp** to get the value of a single property for the item. Below is an example script add-in that adds columns to Opus that show the value of shell properties for DWG (AutoCAD) files added by a third party tool.\\ Function OnInit(initData) initData.name = "DWG Columns" initData.desc = "Adds DWG Columns from the JTB World extension" initData.copyright = "(c) 2016 jpotter" initData.version = "1.0" initData.default_enable = true initData.min_version = "12.0.8" Dim props, prop, col Set props = DOpus.FSUtil.GetShellPropertyList("dwg.*", "r") for each prop in props Set col = initData.AddColumn col.name = prop.raw_name col.method = "OnDWGColumn" col.label = prop.display_name col.justify = "left" col.autogroup = true col.userdata = prop.pkey next End Function Function OnDWGColumn(scriptColData) scriptColData.value = scriptColData.item.shellprop(scriptColData.userdata) End Function