~~Title: Everything (indexed search)~~ == Directory Opus 13 - Detailed release notes == * Integrated support for Voidtools Everything, a tool that enables instant searches of local drives. * Within Opus, Everything can be used for searching in different ways via the search field, Find-As-You-Type (FAYT), and Tools > Find Files. (Discussed in more detail in their respective sections.) * Everything can also be used for instant folder size calculation. (See [[folder_sizes|Folder Sizes]] section.) * Everything can also speed up calculation of total counts/sizes in progress dialogs. * You can [[https://www.voidtools.com/downloads/|download Everything]] from the Voidtools website. * Further detail on using and configuring Everything with Opus: [[additional_functionality:everything_integration]] * Why Everything?: * It's a great tool that works well without getting in the way. * It's free. (You can [[https://www.voidtools.com/donate/|donate]] if you find it useful.) * It has an API designed to allow integration with other software. * Many Opus users already use Everything. Threads about integrating the two are some of the most popular on our forum. * We can improve and streamline the integration, and extend what it does beyond what's possible with user-made buttons and scripts. * Indexed search has memory overhead. By hooking Opus into Everything's database, rather than making our own clone, there's no extra memory overhead for people already using Everything. * Everything is not //required// and you don't have to install it. Opus's own Find Files functionality remains, and Windows Search is still supported in various places. ---- Next: [[release_history:opus13_detailed:evaluator]]