~~Title: Column ~~ The **Column** object represents an information column displayed in a tab (e.g. name, size, attributes, etc). A collection of **Column** objects can be retrieved from the **[[format|Format]].columns** property. $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ (#)//// $$ //string// $$ Returns the name of the column. $$ autosize $$ //bool// $$ Returns **True** if the column width is set to //auto//. $$ collapse $$ //bool// $$ ReturnsĀ **True** if the column width is set to //collapse//. $$ expand $$ //bool// $$ Returns **True** if the column width is set to //expand//. $$ fill $$ //bool// $$ Returns **True** if the column width is set to //fill//. $$ header $$ //string// $$ ReturnsĀ the name of the column as displayed in the Lister column header. $$ label $$ //string// $$ Returns the name of the column as displayed in the //Columns// tab in the //Folder Options// dialog. $$ max $$ //int// or //string// $$ Returns the maximum width of the column in pixels, or the string "fill" if the maximum is set to //fill//. $$ min $$ //int// $$ Returns the minimum width of the column in pixels. $$ name $$ //string// $$ Returns the name of the column. $$ reverse $$ //bool// $$ Returns **True** if the sort direction of the column is reversed. $$ sort $$ //int// $$ Returns the sort order of the column (e.g. 1 for the primary sort field, 2 for the secondary sort field, etc). Returns 0 if the display is not sorted by this column. $$ width $$ //int// $$ Returns the current display width of the column in pixels.