~~Title: Wild ~~ The **Wild** object allows a script to access the in-built pattern matching functions in Opus. Even though most ActiveX scripting languages have their own pattern matching support (usually via a regular expression system of some sort), you may wish to use the one that Opus provides for consistency with internal Opus functions. You can create a **Wild** object using the **[[fsutil|FSUtil]].NewWild** method. To use the **Wild** object, you must first give it the pattern to match against (this step is called "parsing the pattern"). You can do this when it is created or later on using the **Parse** method. Once the object has a pattern you can call the **Match** method to test a string against the pattern. $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ (#)//// $$ //string// $$ Returns the current pattern in the Wild object $$ Method Name $$ **Arguments** $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ EscapeString $$ \\ $$ //string// $$ Escapes all wildcard characters in the input string and returns the result. For example, "**the * 'dog' said** *" would be conterted to "**the '* %%''%%dog%%''%% said '***". The optional type argument lets you specify the conversion:\\ //none//: Escape characters used in [[..:..:wildcard_reference:pattern_matching_syntax|standard pattern matching]]\\ **r**: Escape characters used in [[..:..:wildcard_reference:regular_expression_syntax|regular expressions]] \\ **b**: Double all back-slashes\\ **n**: Double all back-slashes that come before the letter '**n**'\\ Note that these modes cannot be combined. $$ Match $$ $$ //bool// $$ Compares the specified string against the previously-parsed pattern, and returns **True** if it matches. $$ Parse $$ \\ $$ //bool// $$ Parses the supplied pattern. The flags string is optional - if supplied it must be a string consisting of one or more of the following characters: **c** - case-sensitive (otherwise pattern matching is not case-sensitive) \\ **d** - DOS only (only standard MS-DOS wildcards are supported)\\ **f** - filename mode (special handling for matching filenames)\\ **r** - regular expression (otherwise [[..:..:wildcard_reference:pattern_matching_syntax|standard pattern matching]] is used)