~~Title: ViewerEventData ~~ If a script implements the **[[..:scripting_events:onviewerevent|OnViewerEvent]]** event, it receives a **ViewerEventData** object whenever certain events occur in a standalone [[:additional_functionality:viewing_images|image viewer]].   $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ event $$ //string// $$ Returns a string indicating the event that occurred. The events currently defined are: * **create**: A new viewer has been created. * **destroy**: A viewer window has been destroyed. * **load**: A new image has been loaded in a viewer. The **item** property can be used to find out which file was loaded. * **setfocus**: The viewer window has received focus (gone active). * **killfocus**: The viewer window has lost focus (gone inactive). * **click**: The left button was clicked on the image (requires mouse buttons to be set to trigger //Script event// in **Preferences / Viewer / Mouse Buttons**). * **dblclk**: The left button was double-clicked on the image. * **mclick**: The middle button was clicked on the image. $$ item $$ //object://**[[item|Item]]**  $$ For the **load** event, returns an **[[item|Item]]** object representing the newly loaded image. $$ viewer $$ //object://**[[viewer|Viewer]]**  $$ Returns a **[[viewer|Viewer]]** object representing the viewer the event occurred in. $$ x $$ //int// $$ For the click events, returns the x coordinate within the viewer window that the click occurred. $$ y $$ //int// $$ For the click events, returns the y coordinate within the viewer window that the click occurred.  $$ w $$ //int// $$ For the click events, returns the width of the viewer window. $$ h $$ //int// $$ For the click events, returns the height of the viewer window.