~~Title: TabGroup ~~ The **TabGroup** object represents a [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:tabs:tab_groups|folder tab group ]]or a folder into which other tab groups can be organized. Individual **TabGroup** objects can be accessed or enumerated from the **[[tabgroups|TabGroups]]** object. $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ closeexisting $$ //bool// $$ **True** if the **Close existing folder tabs when opening this group** option is turned on for this group. Only present when the **folder** property is **False**. $$ desc $$ //string// $$ The description of this tab group, if any. Only present when the **folder** property is **False**. $$ dual $$ //bool// $$ **True** if the **Define tabs on specific sides of a dual-display Lister** option is turned on for this group. Only present when the **folder** property is **False**. $$ folder $$ //bool// $$ **True** if this object represents a folder within the tab group list, **False** if it's an actual tab group. $$ hidden $$ //bool// $$ **True** if this tab group or folder should be hidden from menus which list tab groups. The group will still always be visible in Preferences. $$ lefttabs $$ //object://**[[tabgrouptablist|TabGroupTabList]]**  $$ Returns a **[[tabgrouptablist|TabGroupTabList]]** object representing the tabs in this group that open in the left/top side of a dual-display Lister. Only present when the **folder** property is **False** and the **dual** property is **True**. $$ name $$ //string// $$ The name of this group or folder. $$ righttabs $$ //object://**[[tabgrouptablist|TabGroupTabList]]** $$ Returns a **[[tabgrouptablist|TabGroupTabList]]** object representing the tabs in this group that open in the right/bottom side of a dual-display Lister. Only present when the **folder** property is **False** and the **dual** property is **True**. $$ tabs $$ //object://**[[tabgrouptablist|TabGroupTabList]]** $$ Returns a **[[tabgrouptablist|TabGroupTabList]]** object representing the tabs in this group. Only present when both the **folder** and **dual** properties are **False**. $$ Method Name $$ **Arguments** $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ AddChildFolder $$ // or $$ //object:**TabGroup**// $$ Adds a new sub-folder to this tab group folder. Only available when the **folder** property is **True**. You can either provide a **TabGroup** object (which itself has the folder property set to **True**) or the name for the new folder. If the operation succeeds a **TabGroup** object is returned which represents the new folder. If the operation fails **False** is returned. $$ AddChildGroup  $$ // or $$ //object:**TabGroup**// $$ Adds a new tab group to this tab group folder. Only available when the **folder** property is **True.** You can either provide a **TabGroup** object or the name for the new group. If the operation succeeds a **TabGroup** object is returned which represents the new tab group. If the operation fails **False** is returned. $$ DeleteChild $$ // $$ //none// $$ Deletes the child item (folder or tab group). $$ Duplicate $$ //none// $$ //object:**TabGroup**// $$ Returns a duplicate of this tab group or folder. When it's returned the duplicate has not yet been added to a tab list. $$ Link $$ //\\ //\\ $$ //none// $$ In a tab group that has specific left and right tabs specified, this method links together a tab from the left side and a tab from the right side. Only available if the **dual** property is set to **True**. You can provide **[[tabgrouptabentry|TabGroupTabEntry ]]**objects or the index numbers of the tabs you want to link. The optional //type// parameter can be set to **"slave"** to specify that the tabs should be slaved to each other. $$ Unlink $$ //// // $$ //none// $$ Unlinks the specified tab from its partner. Only available if the **dual** property is set to **True**.