~~Title: SystemSettingChangeData~~ If a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in ]]implements theĀ **[[..:scripting_events:onsystemsettingchange|OnSystemSettingChange]]** event, the method receives a **SystemSettingChangeData** object when various system settings change. $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ type $$ //string// $$ Returns a string indicating the setting that changed. Settings are: |**theme**|The Windows theme (visual style) has changed| |**colorset**|Opus has changed from light to dark mode or vice versa| |**environment**|System environment variables have been changed| |**dwmcomposition**|Indicates that Windows DWM composition has been turned on or off.| |**dwmcolorization**|Indicates that Windows DWM colorization has been changed.| |**intl**|The system locale has changed.| |**userinteractionmode**|The system input method has changed (from mouse to touch or vice versa). The current method can be queried via the **[[sysinfo|SysInfo]].TouchInput** method.| |**spacingscheme**|Indicates that the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:user_interface:spacing|UI spacing scheme has changed]]. The new scheme name is available in the **name** property. You can also query the scheme using the **[[dopus|DOpus]].spacingscheme** property.| |**windowmetrics**|System window metrics have changed (e.g. font size).| $$ name $$ //string// $$ Returns a name string for supported settings.