~~Title: StringSet ~~ The **StringSet** object is container that stores one or more unique strings. It is similar to an array or vector (e.g. **[[vector|Vector]]**) but has the advantage of using a dictionary system to locate strings rather than numeric indexes. You can therefore lookup strings much more quickly than by linearly searching a **[[vector|Vector]]**. You can create a new **StringSet** using the **[[dopusfactory|DOpusFactory ]]**object. A **StringSet** can be either case-sensitive ("cat" and "CAT" would be treated as two different strings) or case-insensitive. $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ count $$ //int// $$ Returns the number of elements the **StringSet** currently holds. $$ empty $$ //bool// $$ Returns **True** if the **StringSet** is empty, **False** if not. $$ length $$ //int// $$ A synonym for **count**. $$ size $$ //int// $$ A synonym for **count**. $$ Method Name $$ **Arguments** $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ assign $$ <**StringSet**:from>\\ $$ //none// $$ Copies the contents of another **StringSet** to this one. You can also pass an array of strings or **[[vector|Vector]]** object. $$ clear $$ //none// $$ //none// $$ Clears the contents of the **StringSet**. $$ erase $$ $$ //none// $$ Erases the string if it exists in the set. $$ exists $$ \\ $$ //bool// $$ Returns **True** if the specified string exists in the set. $$ insert $$ $$ //bool// $$ Inserts the string into the set if it doesn't already exist. Returns **True** if successful. $$ merge $$ <**StringSet**:from> $$ //none// $$ Merges the contents of another **StringSet** with this one.