~~Title: SmartFavorite ~~
A **SmartFavorite** object represents an entry for a folder in the [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:navigation:smartfavorites|SmartFavorites]] table. It is retrieved by enumerating or indexing the **[[smartfavorites|SmartFavorites]]** object.
$$ Property Name
$$ Return Type
$$ Description
$$ path
$$ //object://**[[path|Path]]**
$$ Returns the path this entry represents, as a **[[path|Path]]** object.
$$ points
$$ //int//
$$ Returns the number of points this entry has as a source folder. The point score is used by Opus to determine which folders to display.
$$ destpoints
$$ //int//
$$ Returns the number of points this entry has as a destination folder.