~~Title: ScriptStrings ~~ The **ScriptStrings** object is returned by the **[[dopus|DOpus]].strings** property. It lets you access any strings defined via [[:scripting:resources:string_resources|string resources]].\\ $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ langs $$ //object://**[[vector|Vector]]**  $$ Returns a **[[vector|Vector]]** of strings representing the languages that strings have been defined for.\\ $$ Method Name $$ **Arguments** $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ Get $$ \\ $$ //string// $$ Returns the text of a string specified by name. The name must match the name used in the string resources.\\ Optionally you can provide a language name as the second parameter, to retrieve a string from a particular language. Otherwise, the string is returned in the current language. $$ HasLanguage $$ $$ //bool// $$ Returns **True** if strings in the specified language are defined in the resources.