~~Title: Metadata ~~ The **Metadata** object provides metadata information about a file or folder (metadata are things like the track number of a music file, the dimensions of an image, the author of a document, etc). You can obtain a **Metadata** object from the **[[item|Item]].metadata** property if you have an **Item** object, and if not you can obtain it using the path of the item using the **[[fsutil|FSUtil]].GetMetadata** method. The **Metadata** object provides different sub-objects as properties that group the available metadata into a number of categories, broadly corresponding to the categories listed on the [[..:..:metadata_keywords:keywords_for_columns|Keywords for Columns]] page. You can determine the primary, or main type of metadata available using the //default value// of the **Metadata** object. $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ (#)//// $$ //string// $$ Returns a string indicating the primary type of metadata available in this object. The string will be one of the following: //none//, //video//, //audio//, //image//, //font//, //exe//, //doc//, //other//. \\ Note that sometimes more than one type of metadata will be available. For example, author is a document field (and so found under the **doc** property), but pictures can have authors as well. In this instance, the **Metadata** object would provide both **ImageMeta** and **DocMeta** objects. If the returned string is //none// it means that no metadata is available for the file, and you should not attempt to access any of the other properties. $$ audio $$ //object//:**[[audiometa|AudioMeta]]**  $$ Returns an **[[audiometa|AudioMeta]]** object providing access to audio metadata. The properties of this object are generally returned as their appropriate underlying type (e.g. a numeric field like "track number" will be returned as an //int//). $$ audio_text $$ //object//:**[[audiometa|AudioMeta]]**  $$ Returns an **[[audiometa|AudioMeta]]** object that provides access to the unmodified text form of the audio metadata. This provides access to the same text as displayed in a Lister. For example, a numeric field like "track number" would be returned as a //string// rather than an //int//. $$ doc $$ //object://**[[docmeta|DocMeta]]**  $$ Returns a **[[docmeta|DocMeta]]** object providing access to document metadata. $$ doc_text $$ //object://**[[docmeta|DocMeta]]**  $$ Returns a **[[docmeta|DocMeta]]** object that provides access to the unmodified text form of the document metadata. $$ exe $$ //object://**[[exemeta|ExeMeta]]**  $$ Returns an **[[exemeta|ExeMeta]]** object providing access to executable (program) metadata. $$ exe_text $$ //object://**[[exemeta|ExeMeta]]**  $$ Returns an **[[exemeta|ExeMeta]]** object that provides access to the unmodified text form of the program metadata. $$ font $$ //object://**[[fontmeta|FontMeta]]**  $$ Returns a **[[fontmeta|FontMeta]]** object providing access to font file metadata. $$ image $$ //object://**[[imagemeta|ImageMeta]]**  $$ Returns an **[[imagemeta|ImageMeta]]** object providing access to picture metadata. $$ image_text $$ //object://**[[imagemeta|ImageMeta]]** $$ Returns an **[[imagemeta|ImageMeta]]** object that provides access to the unmodified text form of the picture metadata. $$ other $$ //object://**[[othermeta|OtherMeta]]**  $$ Returns an **[[othermeta|OtherMeta]]** object that provides access to miscellaneous metadata. $$ tags $$ //collection:string// $$ Returns a collection of //strings// corresponding to the tags that are assigned to this item. $$ video $$ //object://**[[videometa|VideoMeta]]**  $$ Returns a **[[videometa|VideoMeta ]]**object providing access to video metadata. $$ video_text $$ //object://**[[videometa|VideoMeta]]** $$ Returns a **[[videometa|VideoMeta ]]**object that provides access to the unmodified text form of the video metadata.