~~Title: ListerUIChangeData ~~
If a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in ]]implements the **[[..:scripting_events:onlisteruichange|OnListerUIChange]]** event, the method receives a **ListerUIChangeData** object when various user interface elements are opened or closed in a Lister.
$$ Property Name
$$ Return Type
$$ Description
$$ change
$$ //string//
$$ Returns a //string// indicating which UI element changed. This will equal one of the following strings: //dual//, //tree//, //metapane//, //viewer//, //utility//, //duallayout//, //metapanelayout//, //viewerlayout//, //toolbars//, //toolbarset//, //toolbarsauto//, //minmax.//
$$ lister
$$ //object://**[[lister|Lister]]**
$$ Returns a **[[lister|Lister]]** object representing the Lister that is changing.
$$ qualifiers
$$ //string//
$$ Returns a string indicating any qualifier keys that were held down by the user when the event was triggered.\\
The string can contain any or all of the following: //shift// //ctrl//, //alt//, //lwin//, //rwin//\\
If no qualifiers were down, the string will be: //none//