~~Title: ListerResizeData ~~ If a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in ]]implements the **[[..:scripting_events:onlisterresize|OnListerResize]]** event, the method receives a **ListerResizeData** object whenever a Lister window is resized. $$ Property Name $$ Return Type $$ Description $$ action $$ //string// $$ Returns a //string// indicating the resize action that occurred. This will be one of the following strings: //resize//, //minimize//, //maximize//, //restore.// $$ width $$ int $$ Returns the new width of the Lister in pixels. $$ height $$ int $$ Returns the new height of the Lister in pixels. $$ lister $$ //object://**[[lister|Lister]]**  $$ Returns a **[[lister|Lister]]** object representing the Lister that was resized.