~~Title: Drive ~~ The **Drive** object provides information about a drive (hard drive, CD ROM, etc) on your system. You can obtain a **[[vector|Vector]]** of **Drive** objects, one for each drive on your system, from the **[[fsutil|FSUtil]].Drives** method.   $$ (#)**Property Name** $$ **Return** Type $$ Description $$ (#)//default value// $$ //string// $$ Returns the root of the drive (e.g. **C:\**). $$ avail  $$ //object://**[[filesize|FileSize]]**  $$ Returns a **[[filesize|FileSize]]** object indicating the available free space on the drive. $$ bpc  $$ //int// $$ Returns the bytes-per-cluster value for the drive. $$ filesys  $$ //string// $$ Returns a string representing the filesystem type. $$ flags $$ //int// $$ Returns a value representing filesystem flags for the drive. $$ free $$ //object://**[[filesize|FileSize]]**  $$ Returns a **[[filesize|FileSize]]** object indicating the total free space on the drive. $$ label $$ //string// $$ Returns the drive's label. $$ total $$ //object://**[[filesize|FileSize]]**  $$ Returns a **[[filesize|FileSize]]** object indicating the total size of the drive. $$ type  $$ //string// $$ Returns a string indicating the drive type (removable, fixed, remote, cdrom, ramdisk).