~~Title: OnViewerEvent ~~ The **OnViewerEvent** event can be implemented by a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in]] to receive notification whenever certain events occur in the [[:additional_functionality:viewing_images|standalone image viewer]]. One possible use would be a script that automatically displays a floating toolbar whenever a standalone viewer is active, and hides it again when the window goes inactive or closes.  $$ (#)**Method Name:** $$ OnViewerEvent $$ (#)**Argument Type:** $$ **[[..:scripting_objects:viewereventdata|ViewerEventData]]**  $$ (#)**Return Type:** $$ //none// $$ (#)**Description:** $$ The **ViewerEventData.viewer** property identifies the **[[..:scripting_objects:viewer|Viewer]]** that the event occurred in. The **event** property returns a string identifying the event that occurred, and if applicable the **item** property identifies the **Item** involved.\\