~~Title: OnScriptFAYTCommand ~~
The **OnScriptFAYTCommand** event is the entry point for a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in]] that [[:scripting:example_scripts:extending_the_fayt|extends the FAYT field]]. The actual name of the event is defined by the script itself, when the command is added via the **[[..:scripting_objects:scriptinitdata|ScriptInitData]].AddCommand** method - **OnScriptFAYTCommand** is merely a placeholder name.
$$ (#)**Method Name:**
$$ OnScriptFAYTCommand
$$ (#)**Argument Type:**
$$ **[[..:scripting_objects:scriptfaytcommanddata|ScriptFAYTCommandData]]**
$$ (#)**Return Type:**
$$ //none//
$$ (#)**Description:**
$$ When a script extends the FAYT field by adding a new internal command using **ScriptInitData.AddCommand**, it specifies the name of its entry point with the **ScriptCommand.method** property. When the FAYT extension is triggered, Opus will call that method within your script.
The **[[..:scripting_objects:scriptfaytcommanddata]]** object provides information about what the user has typed to trigger your extension.