~~Title: OnListerUIChange ~~
The **OnListerUIChange** event can be implemented by a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in]] to receive notification when the state of certain user interface elements in the Lister changes.
$$ (#)**Method Name:**
$$ OnListerUIChange
$$ (#)**Argument Type:**
$$ **[[..:scripting_objects:listeruichangedata|ListerUIChangeData]]**
$$ (#)**Return Type:**
$$ //none//
$$ (#)**Description:**
$$ The **ListerUIChangeData.lister** property identifies the Lister, and the **change** property is a //string// indicating the element that changed. You can discover the actual state of the element using the **[[..:scripting_objects:command|Command]].IsSet** method.