~~Title: OnGetCustomFields ~~
The **OnGetCustomFields** event can be implemented by a [[:scripting:rename_scripts|rename script]] to add [[:scripting:rename_scripts:custom_fields_in_the_rename_dialog|custom fields]] to the //Rename// dialog. This lets you provide one or more controls that users can use to pass parameters to your script.
$$ (#)**Method Name:**
$$ OnGetCustomFields
$$ (#)**Argument Type:**
$$ **[[..:scripting_objects:getcustomfielddata|GetCustomFieldData]]**
$$ (#)**Return Type:**
$$ //none//
$$ (#)**Description:**
$$ The //Rename// dialog will call this method when your script is loaded from a preset (or when you click the **Refresh** button in the integrated script editor).
The **GetCustomFieldData.fields** property lets you add one or more custom fields to the Rename dialog. For each field you can:
* Provide a label
* Specify a cue banner for edit fields
* Add up/down spinners to numeric edit controls
* Specify a length limit for edit fields
See [[:scripting:rename_scripts:custom_fields_in_the_rename_dialog|Custom Fields in the Rename Dialog]] for more information.