~~Title: OnCloseLister ~~
The **OnCloseLister** event can be implemented by a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in]] to receive notification whenever a Lister is closed.
$$ (#)**Method Name:**
$$ OnCloseLister
$$ (#)**Argument Type:**
$$ **[[..:scripting_objects:closelisterdata|CloseListerData]]**
$$ (#)**Return Type:**
$$ //bool//
$$ (#)**Description:**
$$ The **CloseListerData.lister** property identifies the Lister that is closing. The **shutdown** property is **True** if the Lister is closing because Opus (or Windows) is shutting down.\\
If shutdown is **False**, you can prevent the Lister from closing by returning **True** from this event (or **False** to allow the close, which is the default). If Opus or Windows is shutting down then you can't prevent the Lister from closing.