~~Title: OnBeforeFolderChange ~~ The **OnBeforeFolderChange** event can be implemented by a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in]] to receive notification before a new folder is read in a tab. Use the **OnAfterFolderChange** event if you want notification //after// a folder has been read. $$ (#)**Method Name:** $$ OnBeforeFolderChange $$ (#)**Argument Type:** $$ **[[..:scripting_objects:beforefolderchangedata|BeforeFolderChangeData]]**  $$ (#)**Return Type:** $$ //bool// or //string// $$ (#)**Description:** $$ The **BeforeFolderChangeData.tab** property identifies the tab, and the **path** property identifies the folder about to be read. The **initial** property indicates if this is the first folder read into this tab - if **True**, it means the tab was previously empty or newly opened. You can return two different types from this event: * //bool//: If you return **True**, the folder read will be blocked and the tab will be unchanged. If you return **False** the read will be allowed to continue (this is the default). * //string//: You can return a //string// (or a **[[..:scripting_objects:path|Path]]** object) to change the folder path to be read. \\