~~Title: OnAfterFolderChange ~~ The **OnAfterFolderChange** event can be implemented by a [[:scripting:script_add-ins|script add-in]] that wants to be notified after a new folder has been read in a tab. Use the **[[onbeforefolderchange|OnBeforeFolderChange]]** event to receive notification //before// the folder is read. $$ (#)**Method Name:** $$ OnAfterFolderChange $$ (#)**Argument Type:** $$ **[[..:scripting_objects:afterfolderchangedata|AfterFolderChangeData]]**  $$ (#)**Return Type:** $$ //bool// $$ (#)**Description:** $$ The **AfterFolderChangeData.tab** property indicates the tab and the **path** property the path of the folder. The **result** property indicates the success or failure of the folder read. If **result** is **False** (i.e. the folder was not successfully read) then you can return **True** from this event to stop Opus from going back to the previous folder (which is what normally happens when a folder read fails). If **result** is **True** then the return value from this event is ignored.