~~Title: StrCmp~~ StrCmp && int && Returns **0** if the strings are the same, **< 0** if //string1// is less than //string2//, and **> 0** if //string1// is greater than //string2//.&& string1 && string && First string to compare. && string2 && string && Second string to compare. && [length] && int && Number of characters to compare. By default the full lengths of the strings will be compared; shorter strings will be considered to be less than longer strings. && [flags] && string && The optional flags are: |**c**|Consider case when performing the comparison (case-sensitive)| Compares two strings. While you can compare strings using the **==**, **<** and **>** operators, using the **StrCmp** function lets you make the comparison case sensitive if desired. You can also choose the number of characters of each string to compare. //Example:// if (StrCmp(name, "backup-", 7) == 0) { ... } // name begins with "backup-"