~~Title: Resolve~~ Resolve && path && Resolved path. && path && path && Path to resolve. && [flags] && string && The optional flags are: |**j**|Resolve junction/softlink target| |**s**|Resolve shortcut (.lnk) target| |**p**|Resolve paired folder target| When resolving a paired folder, the following flags are also available. If specified, a paired folder's options must match the flags. |**d**|Default dual-display folder| |**v**|Default Navigation Lock target| |**n**|Turn on Navigation Lock automatically| |**y**|Default Synchronize target| |**l**|Always display primary folder at the left/top| |**u**|Use path even if it doesn't exist| |**i**|Ignore the pair| |**g**|Go up to first existing parent| This function primarily resolves aliases and environment variables in the provided //path//. With the additional flags, it can also resolve the target of shortcuts, junctions and links. It can also be used to find a path's [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:navigation:paired_folders|paired folder]]. //Example:// Output(Resolve("/onedrive")); --> C:\Users\jon\OneDrive //See also:// [[displayname]]