~~Title: RegEx~~ RegEx && bool or string && Match or replacement result. && string && string && String to match. && pattern && string && Pattern to match against. && [replace] && string && Optional replace pattern. && [pattern...] && string && Optional additional match pattern... && [replace...] && string && Optional additional replace string... && [0] && value && Literal value 0. This is only needed in order to specify //flags// without //replace//. && [flags] && string && Optional flags are: |**c**|consider case when performing the operation (case-sensitive)| |**e**|if pattern doesn't match for a replace operation, return an empty string| Performs a regular expression **match** against the provided string. The pattern must match the string exactly. If a //replace// pattern is **not** specified, this function returns **True** if the provided //string// matches the //pattern//, and otherwise returns **False**. If a //replace// pattern is specified, the result of the replacement is returned. You can specify multiple //string/pattern// pairs, to perform multiple replacements at once. If the input string doesn't match the pattern it is returned unchanged. You can also add **#** to the end of each search pattern to repeat the search and replace as many times as possible (i.e. "replace all"). The optional //flags// argument must be specified last. If no //replace// pattern is provided and you want to provide //flags//, you must pass a literal **0** for the third argument. //Example:// path = "C:\Projects\contoso_staging\2023\June"; Output(RegEx(path, "(.*)_staging\\(.*)", "\1\\\2")); --> C:\Projects\contoso\2023\June //See also://\\ [[regexs]]