~~Title: IsChecked~~
IsChecked && bool or int && Result of the test. &&
command && string && Command string to test the state of. &&
[command...] && string && Second command string...
When a single command string is provided, returns **True** or **False** to indicate whether a button running the specified //command// would appear checked (highlighted) or not.
if (IsChecked("Set FLATVIEW=mixed")) { ... } // Is FlatView - Mixed mode currently on?
If two or more commands are provided, returns **0** if no commands are checked, otherwise returns the index of the first checked command.
flatViewMode = IsChecked("Set FLATVIEW=Grouped", "Set FLATVIEW=Mixed", "Set FLATVIEW=MixedNoFolders");
// flatViewMode will equal 0, 1, 2 or 3 depending on the current FlatView mode
//See also://