~~Title: Elapsed~~ Elapsed && double or bool && Elapsed time in milliseconds, or true or false. && name && string && Name of the elapse timer. && [time] && double && Time in milliseconds to test for. && [reset] && bool && True if timer should be reset. Measures the time in milliseconds of a named //elapse timer// since it was started. Timers are global, so you should pick a unique name. The first time the specified timer is measured it is started. If called with just a single argument, the return value is the number of milliseconds since the timer was started. If the optional //time// argument is given, the `Elapsed()` function tests whether the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed, and the function returns either **true** or **false**. Note that in this mode, the function also returns **true** when the timer is started for the first time. If the //reset// argument is set to **true**, the timer will be reset to zero if the specified time has elapsed. //Example:// if (Elapsed("test_timer", 5000, true)) { ... }