~~Title: DatePart~~ DatePart && string && Requested part of the specified date. && date && date && Date you want a part of. && part && string && Part you want. Date parts are: |d|Day of month, no leading zero| |dd|Day of month, leading zero| |D|Day of week (1 = Sunday)| |DD|Day of week as a number (1 = Monday)| |ddd|Day of week short name (e.g. Wed)| |dddd|Day of week long name (e.g. Wednesday)| |w|ISO week, no leading zero| |ww|ISO week, leading zero| |W|Simple week, no leading zero| |WW|Simple week, leading zero| |M|Month, no leading zero| |MM|Month, leading zero| |MMM|Month short name (e.g. Jan)| |MMMM|Month long name (e.g. January)| |y|Year last two digits, no leading zero| |yy|Year last two digits, leading zero| |yyyy|Year| |Y|ISO year last two digits, no leading zero| |YY|ISO year last two digits, leading zero| |YYYY|ISO year| |gg|Period/era string| Time parts are: |h|Hours, no leading zero, 12 hour clock| |hh|Hours, leading zero, 12 hour clock| |H|Hours, no leading zero, 24 hour clock| |HH|Hours, leading zero, 24 hour clock| |m|Minutes, no leading zero| |mm|Minutes, leading zero| |s|Seconds, no leading zero| |ss|Seconds, leading zero| |t|One-character AM/PM (e.g. A or P)| |tt|Multiple-character AM/PM%0| You can also specify **date** and **time** to retrieve the full date without the time, or full time without the date. Returns the value of the specified part. //Example:// Output(DatePart("2006-01-01", "yy")) --> 06