~~Title: Set ~~ The **Set** internal command can be used to: * Turn the various Lister elements ([[:basic_concepts:the_lister:navigation:folder_tree|folder tree]], [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:metadata_pane|metadata pane]], [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:viewer_pane|viewer pane]], [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:dual_display|dual display]], etc) on or off in the current Lister * Add or remove information columns from the current file display * Turn [[:basic_concepts:selecting_files:selecting_with_the_mouse_and_keyboard:checkbox_mode|Checkbox Mode]], [[:basic_concepts:flat_view|Flatview Mode]] and [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:dual_display:navigation_lock|Navigation Lock]] on or off * Make changes to [[:basic_concepts:searching_and_filtering|filtering]], [[:basic_concepts:sorting_and_grouping|sorting]], [[:basic_concepts:sorting_and_grouping|grouping]] and [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:view_modes|view mode]] settings * Turn [[:file_operations:uac_and_administrator_mode|Administrator mode]] on or off * Enable or disable the Copy and Delete [[:file_operations:filtered_operations|recursive filters]] * Enable or disable full-row selection and grid lines * Adjust the size and position of the current Lister window * ... and lots of other things :) You can combine multiple **Set** command arguments on the one command line to make multiple changes to the Lister at once. For example, `Set DUAL=on TREE=off` would turn dual-display mode on, and the folder trees off, in one operation. **Command Arguments:** $$ Argument $$ Type $$ Possible values $$ Description $$ ADMIN $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns [[:file_operations:uac_and_administrator_mode|Administrator mode]] in in the active Lister. Opus will prompt you for the timeout, after which Administrator mode is automatically deactivated. This function has no effect on Windows XP, or if UAC is disabled. ``Set ADMIN=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns Administrator mode off in the active Lister. ``Set ADMIN=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles Administrator mode on or off. ``Set ADMIN=toggle`` $$ $$ $$ //// $$ Specify a timeout (in minutes) to suppress the timeout dialog from appearing. ``Set ADMIN=toggle,10`` If you specify 0 (zero), the timeout is disabled and Administrator mode will stay on in the Lister until the button is pushed again or the window is closed. ``Set ADMIN=toggle,0`` $$ AUTOSIZE $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns on the //Auto-size all columns in Details and Power modes// Folder Format option in the current file display. This overrides all column widths so they behave as "auto" until the option is turned off again. Note that any configured maximum column widths still apply. ``Set AUTOSIZE=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns the //Auto-size all columns in Details and Power modes// option off. ``Set AUTOSIZE=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the //Auto-size all columns in Details and Power modes// option on or off in the current file display. ``Set AUTOSIZE=toggle`` $$ AUTOSIZECOLUMNS $$ /O $$ //(no value)// $$ Automatically resizes all columns in the source file display (applies to details and power modes only). This is a one-off width change based on the current column contents, as opposed to setting the columns into autosize mode like the **AUTOSIZE** argument would do. Another difference is that this will not normally override columns with maximum widths set (although you can use the **override** flag to allow this), nor ones set to //Collapse//, and so on. ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS`` $$ $$ $$ **dest** $$ Automatically resizes all columns in the destination file display. ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=dest`` $$ $$ $$ **left** $$ Resizes all columns in the left (or top) file display of a dual display Lister. ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=left`` $$ $$ $$ **right** $$ Resizes all columns in the right (or bottom) file display. ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=right`` $$ $$ $$ **both** $$ Resizes all columns in both file displays of a dual display Lister (or the sole display of a single display Lister). ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=both`` $$ $$ $$ **focus** $$ Resizes all columns in the file display that currently has input focus. (This is almost always the same as the source file display.) ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=focus`` $$ $$ $$ **widest** $$ Resizes the columns on both sides of a dual display Lister, setting the columns on both sides to the same width (the widest of the two). ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=widest`` $$ $$ $$ **col://column//** $$ Resizes only the specified column rather than all columns. You can specify more than one column, and the other options shown above can also be used in conjunction. ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=col:name,col:desc,both`` $$ $$ $$ **override** $$ Overrides any minimum and maximum limits for the widths of the columns being resized. ``Set AUTOSIZECOLUMNS=col:name,override`` $$ BACKGROUNDIMAGE $$ /K/M $$ //:// $$ Sets the background image for one or more Lister elements to the specified filename. //type// can be one of the following strings: **filedisplay**, **tabs**, **tree**, **metapane**, **status**, **toolbars**, **viewerpane**, **all**. * If //type// isn't specified, **filedisplay** is the default. * If //filename// isn't specified, any existing image is removed. This is a **/M** argument, so can accept multiple values if you want to set more than one image at once (or, use `all:` to set all images). ``Set BACKGROUNDIMAGE "filedisplay:/mypictures/butterfly-tile.png"`` $$ BACKGROUNDIMAGEOPTS $$ /K $$ //// $$ Specify one or more comma-separated options for the background image when changing it with the `BACKGROUNDIMAGE` argument. * Options that specify the placement of images are: **tiled**, **stretch**, **aspectfit**, **aspectfill**, **aspecttile**, **topleft**, **topright**, **bottomleft**, **bottomright**, **center** (only one can be specified). * The **shared** option indicates that images should be shared across the entire Lister. * **opacity:** can be used to set the image opacity (e.g. `opacity:50`) * **fillcolor:** can specify a fill color for transparent images (e.g. `fillcolor:#ff8000`). * **nofade** prevents the cross-fade effect when changing images. * **local** makes the image changes local to the current Lister, rather than changing the global Preferences settings. * **reset** combine with **local** to reset a Lister to the global settings. ``Set BACKGROUNDIMAGE all:/mypictures/butterfile-tile.png BACKGROUNDIMAGEOPTS=tiled,shared,opacity:75`` $$ BLURFILENAMES $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns on blurring of filenames in the source Lister. You might want to do this in order to use an external screenshot tool to take a screenshot while hiding potentially sensitive information. ``Set BLURFILENAMES=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns filename blurring off in the source Lister. ``Set BLURFILENAMES=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles filename blurring on or off. ``Set BLURFILENAMES=toggle`` $$ CALCFOLDERSIZES $$ /K $$ **all** $$ Turns on the Preferences option to calculate folder sizes automatically (for all folders). Note that this simply modifies the Preferences setting - any currently open Listers won't calculate their folder sizes until they are refreshed. ``Set CALCFOLDERSIZES=all`` $$ $$ $$ **local** $$ Turns on the option to calculate folder sizes automatically for all local drives. ``Set CALCFOLDERSIZES=local`` $$ $$ $$ **fixed** $$ Turns on the option for all fixed local drives. ``Set CALCFOLDERSIZES=fixed`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns automatic folder size calculation off. ``Set CALCFOLDERSIZES=off`` $$ $$ $$ **selected** $$ Turns on the option to calculate folder sizes in selected folders only. The list of folders is configured via the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:folders:folder_sizes]] Preferences page. ``Set CALCFOLDERSIZES=selected,toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles calculation on or off for the specified folder type. ``Set CALCFOLDERSIZES=local,toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **skipjunctions** $$ Specify this flag as well to turn on the //Skip junctions and softlinks// option. ``Set CALCFOLDERSIZES=local,toggle,skipjunctions`` $$ CHECKBOXMODE $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns [[:basic_concepts:selecting_files:selecting_with_the_mouse_and_keyboard:checkbox_mode|Checkbox mode]] on in the source file display. ``Set CHECKBOXMODE=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns Checkbox mode off in the source file display. ``Set CHECKBOXMODE=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles Checkbox mode on or off. ``Set CHECKBOXMODE=toggle`` $$ CLEARFILTERS $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Clears all file and folder filters in the current source file display. The filters that are cleared are those controlled by the **HIDEFILTERFILENAME**, **HIDEFILTERFOLDERS**, **SHOWFILTERFILENAME** and **SHOWFILTERFOLDERS** arguments. ``Set CLEARFILTERS`` $$ CLEARSYNC $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Once you've used the **Find SYNC** and **Copy SYNC** commands to automate the [[:file_operations:copying_moving_and_deleting_files:copying_updated_files:synchronize|synchronize]] operation, you can use `Set CLEARSYNC` to exit synchronize mode and return the Lister to normal. //Example:// See the `Find SYNC` [[find#SYNC|command]] for an example. $$ COLUMNS $$ /K $$ //, ...// $$ Changes which columns are displayed in the current source file display. You can specify one or more comma-separated [[..:..:metadata_keywords:keywords_for_columns|column keywords]] - the columns will be displayed in the order specified. Note that the **Name** column must always be present and will be added automatically if you don't specify it. ``Set COLUMNS name,sizeauto,desc,attr`` $$ $$ $$ //// $$ Applies the columns from named favorite folder format to the current source file display. The format must have been previously created through the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:folders:folder_formats|Folders / Folder Formats]]** Preferences page. Note that if the name of your favorite format conflicts with the name of an actual column, the column name will "win". ``Set COLUMNS "Photo Viewing"`` $$ $$ $$ **!default** $$ Applies the columns from the Folder Type format applicable to the source file display's path. For example, if the current path is a network drive, the columns from the **Network Drives** format would be applied. ``Set COLUMNS=!default`` $$ $$ $$ **!factory** $$ Applies the columns from the hardcoded factory-default folder format to the current source file display. ``Set COLUMNS !factory`` $$ $$ $$ **!folder** $$ Finds and applies the columns by using the same rules as when the folder was initially loaded. This generally gives you the columns you would get if the current directory was loaded into a new window. See the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:folders:folder_formats|Folders / Folder Formats]]** Preferences page for a description of the rules applied when Opus chooses a folder format for a path. ``Set COLUMNS !folder`` $$ $$ $$ **!user** $$ Applies the columns from the **User default** folder format to the current source file display. ``Set COLUMNS !user`` $$ COLUMNSADD $$ /K $$ //, ...// $$ Adds the specified columns to the current source file display. Can also be used to move or resize existing columns. You can specify one or more comma-separated [[..:..:metadata_keywords:keywords_for_columns|column keywords]]. Each column name can optionally be followed by the position to insert the column, and the width to make the new column. The format of this is as follows: |**(**////**)**|Specify the position of the column. This can be a number where **0** represents the left-most column, **1** the second column and so on. It can also be specified relative to another column's current position - see below for more information.| |**(**////**,\\ **////**)**|Specify both the position and size. The //// argument indicates the width of the new column. This can be a number in pixels, **a** for //Auto//, **f** for //Fill//, **e** for //Expand// and **c** for //Collapse//| |**(**//,\\ ,\\ //**)**|Specify position, size and maximum width. The //// argument lets you specify the maximum width for automatically-sized columns. This can be a number in pixels, or **f** for //Fill//.| |**(**//,\\ ,\\ ,\\ //**)**|Specify position, size, maximum and minimum width. The //// argument lets you specify the minimum width for automatically-sized columns. This should be a number in pixels.| |**(**//,\\ ,\\ ,\\ ,\\ //**z)**|Specify position, size, maximum width, minimum width, and freeze the columns at this point. This column and those that come before it remain left-aligned and do not scroll - any subsequent columns scroll beneath the frozen ones.| The //// argument can also be specified relative to another column's current position. For example: * **0+Name** places the new column where the //Name// column was, pushing //Name// and everything after it one place to the right. * **1+Name** places it directly on the right of //Name//. * **2+Name** places it two to the right of //Name//. * **1-Name** places it two to the left of //Name// (i.e. in the position of the column that was one to the left of //Name//). You can also set //// to **!** to leave it unchanged, or prefix it with **!** to say it should be unchanged if the column is already present, but use the position specified after the **!** if it is being added. To specify any arguments other than ////, those that precede it must be included. If you don't want to provide a value for one of the prior arguments, use * instead. For example, if you want to specify size 80 but without specifying a position, you could use **(*, 80)**. The ////, //// and //// values of existing columns can also be changed by specifying a **!** for ////. Within the **Lister Column Header** **[[:customize:the_customize_dialog:context_menus|Context Menu]]**, you can use several special values for the position: |**%header%**|Turns into the ID of the column which was right-clicked. Typically used to remove the column which was right-clicked.| |**%headerinsert%**|Turns into the position nearest where you right-clicked. Typically used to insert a column nearest where you right-clicked. If the position is not specified, the column will be added to the end of the existing columns.| ``Set COLUMNSADD picwidth``\\ ``Set COLUMNSADD desc(2),author(*,*)``\\ ``Set COLUMNSADD picwidth(*,a)``\\ ``Set COLUMNSADD=Status(!1+Name)`` $$ COLUMNSFREEZE $$ /K $$ //// $$ Sets the number of frozen columns in the current source display. Frozen columns remain left-aligned and do not scroll - any subsequent columns scroll beneath the frozen ones. This command acts as a toggle - if the specified number of columns are already frozen, they will be unfrozen. ``Set COLUMNSFREEZE=3`` // - freeze the first three columns // $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns off frozen columns in the current source display. ``Set COLUMNSFREEZE=off`` $$ COLUMNSREMOVE $$ /O $$ //, ...// $$ Removes the specified columns from the current source display. You can specify one or more comma-separated [[..:..:metadata_keywords:keywords_for_columns|column keywords]]. ``Set COLUMNSREMOVE=mp3bitrate,mp3samplerate`` Within the **Lister Column Header** **[[:customize:the_customize_dialog:context_menus|Context Menu]]**, you can use **%header%** to refer to the column which was right-clicked. ``Set COLUMNSREMOVE=%header%`` $$ COLUMNSTOGGLE $$ /K $$ //, ...// $$ Toggles the specified columns on or off in the current source display. The position and size of added columns can be given as for **COLUMNSADD**. You can specify one or more comma-separated [[..:..:metadata_keywords:keywords_for_columns|column keywords]]. If more than one column name is provided, the named columns will only be turned off if **all** specified columns are currently present. Otherwise, those columns not currently present will be added. ``Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=desc(2),author``\\ ``Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=Status(1+Name)`` (See the **COLUMNSADD** argument, above, for detail on how to specify positions if the examples are not clear.) Within the **Lister Column Header** **[[:customize:the_customize_dialog:context_menus|Context Menu]]** only: * You can use **%headerinsert%** for the position to insert columns nearest where you right-clicked instead of at the end. ``Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=picwidth(%headerinsert%)`` $$ $$ $$ **any** $$ Makes the command consider similar columns to be the same with regard to toggling. For example, there are several columns which display file sizes in different units. If //Size (Bytes)// is the only size column in use, and **any** is not used, then a command to toggle the //Size (KB)// column will result in both size columns on at once. Adding **any** would instead turn off the //Size (Bytes)// column in that situation and not turn anything on the first time. If the command was then run a second time, with no size column present, then it would add the //Size (KB)// column. ``Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=any,sizekb`` $$ $$ $$ **columnlist** $$ Specify the **columnlist** keyword to have Opus automatically generate a list of columns which can be toggled. The list will appear as a several sub-menus, one for each column category (//Name and Path//, //Date and Time//, //Picture Metadata//, etc.). This is similar to the list in the default **Lister Column Header** **[[:customize:the_customize_dialog:context_menus|Context Menu]]**. ``Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=columnlist`` The **columnlist** keyword is only supported by the **COLUMNSTOGGLE** argument; the similar **COLUMNSADD** and **COLUMNSREMOVE** arguments can't use it, but are unlikely to need it. $$ $$ $$ **insert** $$ The **insert** keyword, when combined with the **columnlist** keyword and used in the **Lister Column Header** **[[:customize:the_customize_dialog:context_menus|Context Menu]]**, causes Opus to insert new columns in the position nearest where the you right-clicked the header. Without it, new columns will be added to the end. ``Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=columnlist,insert`` The **insert** keyword does not work without the **columnlist** keyword or when used outside the **Lister Column Header** menu. To do something similar in a command which toggles one specific column, use **%headerinsert%** for the position, as documented above. $$ CONFIRM $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Used to show a confirmation message specific to the command being run, often with a link to the Preferences setting for making the change permanent. This is only supported by certain commands, and not something you'd generally use when creating your own buttons. It is used on the default toolbars to help people understand when something only affects the current window or tab, and how make the same change globally instead. ``Set EXPANDABLEFOLDERS=Toggle CONFIRM`` $$ CONTENTFORMAT $$ /K $$ //// $$ Sets the current source file display to use the named [[:basic_concepts:folder_options:content_types|content type]] folder format. ``Set CONTENTFORMAT Images`` $$ COPYFILTER $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns on the recursive [[:file_operations:filtered_operations|copy filter]] for the active Lister. ``Set COPYFILTER=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns off the copy filter in the active Lister. ``Set COPYFILTER=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the copy filter on or off in the active Lister. ``Set COPYFILTER=toggle`` $$ DARKMODE $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Forces dark mode on for Opus, regardless of current Windows setting. ``Set DARKMODE=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Forces dark mode off for Opus, regardless of current Windows setting. ``Set DARKMODE=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ If dark mode is currently active, forces it off; otherwise, forces dark mode on. ``Set DARKMODE=toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **togglesmart** $$ Toggles dark mode, acting like **reset** if the new mode is the same as the Windows setting, and **toggle** if it is the opposite. ``Set DARKMODE=togglesmart`` $$ $$ $$ **reset** $$ Resets dark mode within Opus to use and track the Windows setting. ``Set DARKMODE=reset`` $$ $$ $$ **noreset** $$ Prevents the button being highlighted as "active" if Opus is set to use the Windows setting, even if the Windows setting matches the mode the command would activate. ``Set DARKMODE=on,noreset`` $$ DELFILTER $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns on the recursive [[:file_operations:filtered_operations|delete filter]] for the active Lister. ``Set DELFILTER=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns off the delete filter in the active Lister. ``Set DELFILTER=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the delete filter on or off in the active Lister. ``Set DELFILTER=toggle`` $$ DELRECYCLEBIN $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns on the //Delete to Recycle Bin where possible// option on the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_operations:deleting_files]] Preferences page. ``Set DELRECYCLEBIN=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns off the //Delete to Recycle Bin where possible// option. ``Set DELRECYCLEBIN=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the //Delete to Recycle Bin where possible// option on and off. ``Set DELRECYCLEBIN=toggle`` $$ DELRECYCLECONFIRM $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns on the //Skip confirmation when deleting to Recycle Bin// option on the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_operations:deleting_files|Deleting Files]] page in Preferences. ``Set DELRECYCLECONFIRM=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns off the //Skip confirmation when deleting to Recycle Bin// option. ``Set DELRECYCLECONFIRM=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the //Skip confirmation when deleting to Recycle Bin// option on and off. ``Set DELRECYCLECONFIRM=toggle`` $$ DEST $$ /K $$ **left** $$ Sets the left (or top) file display in a dual-display Lister to be the destination. ``Set DEST=left`` $$ $$ $$ **right** $$ Sets the right (or bottom) file display to be the destination. ``Set DEST=right`` $$ $$ $$ **focus** $$ Sets the file display that currently has the input focus to be the destination. ``Set DEST=focus`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the state (source/destination) of the left and right file displays. ``Set DEST=toggle`` $$ DISABLEGLOBALHOTKEYS $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Temporarily disables all global hotkeys. Hotkeys local to a Lister will continue to function. ``Set DISABLEGLOBALHOTKEYS=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Re-enables all global hotkeys. ``Set DISABLEGLOBALHOTKEYS=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles all global hotkeys on and off. ``Set DISABLEGLOBALHOTKEYS=toggle`` $$ DUAL $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns on [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:dual_display|dual-display]] mode in the active Lister. ``Set DUAL=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns off dual-display mode in the active Lister. ``Set DUAL=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles dual-display mode on or off in the active Lister. ``Set DUAL=toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **horiz** $$ Sets dual-display mode to use horizontal layout (one file display above the other). By itself this value will turn dual-display mode on, but you can combine it with **toggle** to toggle horizontal dual-display on or off. If dual-display mode is already on but the layout is set to vertical, the layout will change to horizontal. ``Set DUAL=horiz,toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **vert** $$ Sets dual-display mode to use vertical layout (one file display next to the other). ``Set DUAL=vert`` $$ $$ $$ **togglelayout** $$ Toggles the layout of dual-display mode between horizontal and vertical. If dual-display mode is not currently active this command has no effect unless the **toggle** keyword and either the **horiz** or **vert** keywords are also given. If combined with those other keywords the function will turn on dual-display mode if it's not on already, switch the layout (from horizontal to vertical or vice versa) if dual-display is already on but not in the desired orientation, and close dual-display mode if it is on and already in the desired orientation. ``Set DUAL=togglelayout`` $$ $$ $$ **source** $$ When dual-display mode is turned on, the newly opened file display will become the source. This value must be combined with one of the other values that actually causes dual-display mode to be switched on. ``Set DUAL=toggle,source`` $$ $$ $$ **dest** $$ When dual-display mode is turned on, the newly opened file display will become the destination. ``Set DUAL=toggle,dest`` $$ $$ $$ **right** $$ When dual-display mode is turned off, it will be the right (or bottom) file display that closes. ``Set DUAL=off,right`` $$ $$ $$ **left** $$ When dual-display mode is turned off, it will be the left (or top) file display that closes. ``Set DUAL=toggle,left`` $$ $$ $$ **remember** $$ Use this value with the **toggle** keyword to cause the second file display to remember its path when it is closed and then opened again. If this isn't specified, the newly opened file display's path will be controlled by the **Specify initial folder when switching to dual file display** option on the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_displays:options|File Displays / Options]]** page in Preferences. ``Set DUAL=toggle,horiz,remember`` $$ DUALSIZE $$ /K $$ //[,]// $$ Adjusts the splitter between the dual file displays in the active Lister. If the displays are arranged vertically, the command will affect their widths; if they are arranged horizontally it will affect their heights. The size is given as a percentage, specifying how much of the available space the first file display should use, with the second file display getting whatever is left. For example, specify 50 to make both file displays the same size (the same as double-clicking the splitter between them): ``Set DUALSIZE 50`` As another example, specify 75 to make the first file display use 75% of the space to leave 25% of the space for the second: ``Set DUALSIZE 75`` It is also possible to specify two sizes to make the command toggle between them. This lets you create a button or hotkey to quickly toggle between giving most of the space to one display and making them equal again. ``Set DUALSIZE 75,50`` You can also resize the splitter by a relative amount by specifying a positive or negative delta. ``Set DUALSIZE +10`` $$ ENABLELABELFILTER $$ /K $$ //// $$ This command allows named [[:file_operations:labels|wildcard labels and label filters]] to be turned on or off. The specified name must have been assigned to the filter before you can control it via this command. Both global and Folder Format-based label filters are supported. You can specify **local:////** and **global:////** to restrict the type of filter you want to control, or just provide the name and Opus will look for it in both types of filter. ``Set ENABLELABELFILTER my_filter,toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **on** $$ Turns the specified label filter on. ``Set ENABLELABELFILTER my_filter,on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns the specified label filter off. ``Set ENABLELABELFILTER my_filter,off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the specified label filter on or off. ``Set ENABLELABELFILTER my_filter,toggle`` $$ EVALUATORDISABLE $$ /O $$ **on** $$ Disables the [[:evaluator|evaluator]]. You might want to do this if you've been experimenting with it and you find it's causing problems that need to be resolved before it can be turned back on again. The evaluator will stay disabled until you re-enable it (or until Opus is restarted). ``Set EVALUATORDISABLE=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Re-enables the evaluator. $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the evaluator on and off. $$ EXPANDABLEFOLDERS $$ /O $$ **on** $$ Turns on [[:basic_concepts:expandable_folders|expandable folders]] in the current Lister. In this mode, folders can be expanded inline in the file display, much as they can in the folder tree. This command lets you override the default setting on the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_displays:folder_expansion]] Preferences page. ``Set EXPANDABLEFOLDERS=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns off expandable folders in the current Lister. ``Set EXPANDABLEFOLDERS=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles expandable folders on and off in the current Lister. ``Set EXPANDABLEFOLDERS=toggle`` $$ FDBTOOLBAR $$ /O $$ //// $$ This command lets you change which toolbar is used for the [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:navigation:file_display_border|File Display]]. If you don't specify a name the default File Display Toolbar is selected. Multiple toolbars can be specified, separated by a comma. ``Set FDBTOOLBAR "My FDB Toolbar"``\\ ``Set FDBTOOLBAR "File Display,Images"`` $$ $$ $$ **!static** $$ Turns off the FDB toolbar altogether (reverting to a static header). ``Set FDBTOOLBAR !static`` $$ FILTERS $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns both the copy and delete [[:file_operations:filtered_operations|recursive filters]] for the active Lister. ``Set FILTERS=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns both recursive filters off in the active Lister. ``Set FILTERS=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles both recursive filters on or off in the active Lister. ``Set FILTERS=toggle`` $$ FLATVIEW $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns [[:basic_concepts:flat_view|Flat View]] mode on in the source file display. ``Set FLATVIEW=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns Flat View mode off in the source file display. ``Set FLATVIEW=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles Flat View on or off in the current source file display. If combined with one of the mode keywords (**group**, **mixed**, **mixednofolders**), Flat View will only be turned off if it is currently in the specified mode - otherwise, it will be set to that mode (and turned on if needed). ``Set FLATVIEW=toggle,grouped`` $$ $$ $$ **toggleoff** $$ Toggles Flat View on or off. Unlike **toggle**, Flat View will be turned off if it is currently enabled in //any// mode, even if the mode does not match the specified keyword. ``Set FLATVIEW=mixednofolders,toggleoff`` $$ $$ $$ **grouped** $$ Sets Flat View to //Grouped// mode. ``Set FLATVIEW=grouped`` $$ $$ $$ **mixed** $$ Sets Flat View to //Mixed// mode. ``Set FLATVIEW=toggle,mixed`` $$ $$ $$ **mixednofolders** $$ Sets Flat View to //Mixed (No Folders)// mode. ``Set FLATVIEW=mixednofolders,on`` $$ $$ $$ **keepformat** $$ Lets you toggle Flat View without changing the current folder format. (Like disabling the Flat View format in Preferences, but only for the current change.) This can be useful if you usually want the location column added, but don't want it when using a particular button. It can also be useful if you want to set up columns and filtering in the file display before switching Flat View on, to reduce overheads (calculating columns you didn't want) and visual noise (things appearing in the file display, only to be removed immediately). As an example, this toggles Flat View with all files hidden and the Full Path column visible (and Location and Relative Location columns removed, if present): @if:Set FLATVIEW=grouped Set FLATVIEW=off,keepformat Set HIDEFILTERFILENAME Set FORMAT=!folder @if:else Set HIDEFILTERFILENAME=* Set COLUMNSREMOVE=path,pathrel Set COLUMNSADD=fullpath(1) Set FLATVIEW=grouped,keepformat $$ FOCUS $$ /K $$ **left** $$ Sets the input focus to the left-hand file display in a dual-display Lister. ``Set FOCUS=left`` $$ $$ $$ **right** $$ Sets the input focus to the right-hand file display in a dual-display Lister. ``Set FOCUS=right`` $$ $$ $$ **source** $$ Sets the input focus to the current source file display. ``Set FOCUS=source`` $$ $$ $$ **dest** $$ Sets the input focus to the destination file display. ``Set FOCUS=dest`` $$ $$ $$ **tree** $$ Sets the input focus to the folder tree. In a dual-display Lister, with dual trees, focus will go to the tree attached to the source file display. ``Set FOCUS=tree`` $$ $$ $$ **lefttree** $$ Sets the input focus to the left-hand folder tree in a dual-display, dual-tree Lister. ``Set FOCUS=lefttree`` $$ $$ $$ **righttree** $$ Sets the input focus to the right-hand folder tree in a dual-display Lister. ``Set FOCUS=righttree`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the input focus between the left and right file displays. ``Set FOCUS=toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **pathfield** $$ Sets the focus to the source breadcrumbs path field. ``Set FOCUS=pathfield`` $$ $$ $$ **leftpathfield** $$ Sets the focus to the left/top path field in a dual-display Lister. ``Set FOCUS=leftpathfield`` $$ $$ $$ **rightpathfield** $$ Sets the focus to the right/bottom path field in a dual-display Lister. ``Set FOCUS=rightpathfield`` $$ $$ $$ **filedisplay** $$ When testing which control has focus using [[:customize:creating_your_own_buttons:command_modifiers|@if:set]] you can use this to mean "any file display" rather than having to specifiy source/destination etc. ``@if:set FOCUS=filedisplay`` $$ $$ $$ **metapane** $$ Gives focus to the [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:metadata_pane|Metadata pane]]. ``Set FOCUS=metapane`` $$ $$ $$ **utilitypane** $$ Sets the focus to the [[basic_concepts:the_lister:utility_panel|utility pane]]. ``Set FOCUS=utilitypane`` $$ $$ $$ **viewpane** $$ Sets the focus to the [[basic_concepts:the_lister:viewer_pane|viewer pane]]. ``Set FOCUS=viewpane`` $$ FOLDERTREESIZE $$ /K $$ //[,]//[,**left**|**right**|**dest**] $$ Adjusts the size of the folder tree pane in the active Lister. The size is given as an absolute width in pixels. It is possible to specify two separate sizes, and the command will toggle between them. You can also make the command operate on a folder tree other than the one attached to the current source file display by appending the **left**, **right** or **dest** keywords. ``Set FOLDERTREESIZE 200,300`` $$ FONTSCALE $$ /K $$ //// $$ Sets the font scaling in the file display to the specified factor. **100** (meaning 100%) is the baseline level, and represents the actual point size configured on the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:colors_and_fonts:fonts|Fonts]]** page in Preferences. **200** would represent twice as large, **50** would represent half as large, and so on. Note that font scaling only applies to Details, Power and Thumbnails [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:view_modes|view modes]]. There are separate scaling settings for Details/Power and Thumbnails modes - by default this command adjusts the settings for the current mode, but you can use optional keywords to specify the affected mode. ``Set FONTSCALE=125`` $$ $$ $$ //// $$ Adjusts the font scaling in the file display by the specified delta. Use a positive value to increase the scaling and a negative value to decrease it. ``Set FONTSCALE=-10`` $$ $$ $$ //,// $$ Specify two absolute scale factors to create a command that toggles between the two. ``Set FONTSCALE=100,150`` $$ $$ $$ **left** $$ Scales the font in the left-hand file display, whether it is the source or not. ``Set FONTSCALE=50,left`` $$ $$ $$ **right** $$ Scales the font in the right-hand file display. ``Set FONTSCALE=right,-25`` $$ $$ $$ **dest** $$ Scales the font in the destination file display. ``Set FONTSCALE=dest,+50`` $$ $$ $$ **both** $$ Scales the font in both the left and right file displays. ``Set FONTSCALE=50,125,both`` $$ $$ $$ **details** $$ Only adjusts the font for Details and Power mode. ``Set FONTSCALE=150,details`` $$ $$ $$ **thumbnails** $$ Only adjusts the font for Thumbnails mode. ``Set FONTSCALE=+50,thumbnails`` $$ $$ $$ **all** $$ Adjusts the font for both Details/Power modes and Thumbnails mode. ``Set FONTSCALE=+50,thumbnails`` $$ $$ $$ **quiet** $$ Prevents a message displaying in response to the font scale changing. ``Set FONTSCALE=+25,quiet`` $$ FORMAT $$ /K $$ //// $$ Applies the named favorite folder format to the current source file display. The format must have been previously created through the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:folders:folder_formats|Folders / Folder Formats]]** Preferences page. ``Set FORMAT "Photo Viewing"`` $$ $$ $$ **!default** $$ Applies the Folder Type format applicable to the source file display's path. For example, if the current path is a network drive, the **Network Drives** format would be applied. ``Set FORMAT=!default`` $$ $$ $$ **!factory** $$ Applies the hardcoded, factory-default folder format to the current source file display. ``Set FORMAT !factory`` $$ $$ $$ **!folder** $$ Finds and applies a folder format by using the same rules as when the folder was initially loaded. This generally gives you what you would get if you opened the current folder in a new window. See the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:folders:folder_formats|Folders / Folder Formats]]** Preferences page for a description of the rules applied when Opus chooses a folder format for a path. ``Set FORMAT !folder`` $$ $$ $$ **!user** $$ Applies the **User Default** folder format to the current source file display. ``Set FORMAT !user`` $$ FORMATLIST $$ /O $$ //(no value)// $$ Displays a generated list of your favorite and content type folder formats (acts as a [[:customize:creating_your_own_buttons:editing_the_toolbar:dynamic_buttons|dynamic button]]). This displays one item for each format saved in the Favorite Formats category on the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:folders:folder_formats|Folder Formats]]** page in Preferences. Selecting a format from the generated list applies its settings to the current file display. ``Set FORMATLIST`` $$ $$ $$ **contenttype** $$ Only displays content type formats (omits those for favorites). ``Set FORMATLIST=contenttype`` $$ $$ $$ **favorites** $$ Only displays favorite formats (omits those for content types). ``Set FORMATLIST=favorites`` $$ $$ $$ **icons** $$ Assigns icons to the list items the command generates. The button which creates the list must also have its icon turned on for them to appear. ``Set FORMATLIST=icons,favorites`` $$ $$ $$ **noreset** $$ Prevents the addition of the "reset" commands which are normally generated at the end of the format list (e.g. Reset to Defaults). ``Set FORMATLIST=favorites,noreset`` $$ FORMATLOCK $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns the [[:basic_concepts:folder_options:locking_the_format|format lock]] on in the current Lister. By default this works on the active file display (the one with focus) but you can combine with the other arguments to control which file displays are affected. ``Set FORMATLOCK=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns the format lock off in the active file display. ``Set FORMATLOCK=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the format lock on or off in the current Lister. This command can replace the padlock icon in the default status bar. If combined with the **all** keyword in a dual display Lister, this will turn the format lock on in both file displays if neither or one are currently on. Only if both are already on will the lock be turned off. ``Set FORMATLOCK=toggle,all`` $$ $$ $$ **left** $$ Applies the format lock to only the left (or top) file display in a dual-display Lister. ``Set FORMATLOCK=toggle,left`` $$ $$ $$ **right** $$ Applies the format lock to only the right (or bottom) file display. ``Set FORMATLOCK=toggle,right`` $$ $$ $$ **source** $$ Applies the format lock to only the source file display in a dual-display Lister. ``Set FORMATLOCK=toggle,source`` $$ $$ $$ **dest** $$ Applies the format lock to only the destination file display. ``Set FORMATLOCK=toggle,dest`` $$ $$ $$ **all** $$ Applies the format lock to both file displays in a dual-display Lister (or the single display otherwise). ``Set FORMATLOCK=off,all`` $$ FORMATREMEMBER $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Stores (remembers) the current folder format in the source tab. This can later be restored with the `Set FORMATRESTORE` command. ``Set FORMATREMEMBER`` $$ FORMATRESTORE $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Restores the previous remembered format. For example, you could use this on a button that toggles between the current format and a saved format: @if:Set FORMATRESTORE Set FORMATRESTORE @if:else Set FORMATREMEMBER CONTENTFORMAT=Images $$ FRIENDLYDATES $$ /K $$ **normal** $$ Turns on "friendly dates", where date columns display "Today" for today, "Yesterday" for yesterday, and weekday names ("Monday", etc.) for dates from the last seven days. ``Set FRIENDLYDATES=normal`` $$ $$ $$ **today** $$ Turns on "friendly dates", but only for "Today". ``Set FRIENDLYDATES=today`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns off "friendly dates". All dates will display as a day, month and year (according to your date format settings). ``Set FRIENDLYDATES=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggles** $$ Toggles "friendly dates" on and off. Can be combined with **normal** or **today** to specify a mode when turning friendly dates on; otherwise, the previously configured mode will be used. ``Set FRIENDLYDATES=toggle``\\ ``Set FRIENDLYDATES=toggle,normal`` $$ FTPMODE $$ /K $$ **ascii** $$ Sets the file transfer mode for the current FTP connection to ASCII. This command has no effect if the source file display is not currently viewing a remote FTP site. ``Set FTPMODE=ascii`` $$ $$ $$ **binary** $$ Sets the transfer mode to binary for the current FTP connection. ``Set FTPMODE=binary`` $$ $$ $$ **auto** $$ Automatically selects the transfer mode based on the file type being transferred. ``Set FTPMODE=auto`` $$ FULLROWSELECT $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns full-row selection on. There are separate full-row settings in Preferences for both power (**[[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_display_modes:power_mode|File Display Modes / Power Mode]]**) and details (**[[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_display_modes:details_mode|File Display Modes / Details]]**) [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:view_modes|view modes]], and by default this command will affect the setting for the current view mode in the source file display. You can use the other keywords for this argument to control which view mode is affected. ``Set FULLROWSELECT=on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns full-row selection off. ``Set FULLROWSELECT=off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles full-row selection on or off. ``Set FULLROWSELECT=toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **power** $$ Only affects the setting for Power mode, irrespective of the current view mode. ``Set FULLROWSELECT=toggle,power`` $$ $$ $$ **details** $$ Only affects the setting for details mode. ``Set FULLROWSELECT=on,details`` $$ $$ $$ **display** $$ When turning off full-row selection, the "always highlight full row" setting will be turned on. Has no effect if full-row selection is being turned on. ``Set FULLROWSELECT=toggle,display`` $$ $$ $$ **namecol** $$ When turning off full-row selection, the "full width of Name column" mode will be used instead of "filename only" mode. Has no effect if full-row selection is being turned on. ``Set FULLROWSELECT=off,namecol`` $$ GLOBALHIDEFILENAME $$ /O $$ //(no value)// $$ Clears the **Global hide filter** filename filter (on the **[[preferences:preferences_categories:filtering_and_sorting:filters|Filters]]** page in Preferences). ``Set GLOBALHIDEFILENAME`` $$ $$ $$ //// $$ Sets the **Global hide filter** filename filter to the specified [[..:..:wildcard_reference:pattern_matching_syntax|wildcard pattern]]. The supplied pattern can be prefixed with **regex:** to specify the pattern is a regular expression. If the filter is already set to the specified pattern, it will be cleared, making the command automatically act as a toggle. ``Set GLOBALHIDEFILENAME "(desktop.ini|*.db)"``\\ ``Set GLOBALHIDEFILENAME regex:.db$`` $$ GLOBALHIDEFILTER $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns the **Enable global wildcard filters** option on (on the **[[preferences:preferences_categories:filtering_and_sorting:filters|Filters]]** page in Preferences). ``Set GLOBALHIDEFILTER on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns the **Enable global wildcard filters** option off. ``Set GLOBALHIDEFILTER off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the **Enable global wildcard filters** option on or off. ``Set GLOBALHIDEFILTER=toggle`` $$ GLOBALHIDEFOLDERS $$ /O $$ //(no value)// $$ Clears the **Global hide filter** folder filter (on the **[[preferences:preferences_categories:filtering_and_sorting:filters|Filters]]** page in Preferences). ``Set GLOBALHIDEFOLDERS`` $$ $$ $$ //// $$ Sets the **Global hide filter** folder filter to the specified [[..:..:wildcard_reference:pattern_matching_syntax|wildcard pattern]]. The supplied pattern can be prefixed with **regex:** to specify the pattern is a regular expression. If the filter is already set to the specified pattern, it will be cleared, making the command automatically act as a toggle. ``Set GLOBALHIDEFOLDERS .svn`` $$ GLOBALHIDEHIDDEN $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns the global **Hide hidden files** option on (on the **[[preferences:preferences_categories:filtering_and_sorting:filters|Filters]]** page in Preferences). ``Set GLOBALHIDEHIDDEN on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns the global **Hide hidden files** option off. ``Set GLOBALHIDEHIDDEN off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles the global **Hide hidden files** option on or off. ``Set GLOBALHIDEHIDDEN=toggle`` $$ GRIDLINESH $$ /K $$ **on** $$ Turns horizontal grid lines on in the current file display (only visible in power or details [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:view_modes|view modes]]). This command overrides the settings in Preferences (on either the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_display_modes:power_mode|File Display Modes / Power Mode]]** or **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_display_modes:details_mode|File Display Modes / Details]]** pages), but changes are only applicable to the current source file display - the global Preferences settings are not modified. ``Set GRIDLINESH on`` $$ $$ $$ **off** $$ Turns horizontal grid lines off in the current file display. ``Set GRIDLINESH off`` $$ $$ $$ **toggle** $$ Toggles horizontal grid lines on or off in the current file display. If the **reset** keyword is also given, the command will toggle between the grid lines specified in the command line, and the current Preferences settings. ``Set GRIDLINESH=toggle`` $$ $$ $$ **reset** $$ Resets the horizontal grid lines settings in the current file display to those defined in Preferences. You can combine this with the **toggle** keyword to toggle between the Preferences settings and another set of custom settings. ``Set GRIDLINESH=reset,toggle,solid`` $$ $$ $$ //