~~Title: Play ~~ The internal **Play** command is used to [[:additional_functionality:playing_sounds|play]] selected sound files. This is a very simple built-in utility - it's not supposed to replace a dedicated sound player. It may also not support all audio formats - fundamentally, only **.wav** files are supported, although **.mp3** and other formats can also work if suitable codecs are installed for them. **Command Arguments:** $$ Argument $$ Type $$ Possible values $$ Description $$ (#)//(no argument)// $$ - $$ - $$ Plays selected sound files in the current folder using the internal [[:additional_functionality:playing_sounds|sound player]]. ``Play`` $$ FILE $$ /M $$ // ...// $$ Plays the specified sound file or files. This lets you play a specific sound - for example, you might add this command to the end of a button to signify that a function had completed. You would normally want to use the **QUIET** argument as well in these cases. Remember that if the filename contains spaces you need to enclose it in quotes. This is the default argument for the **Play** command so you do not need to provide the **FILE** keyword. ``Play C:\Data\Sounds\Complete.wav QUIET`` $$ QUIET $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Plays the specified (or selected) sounds without displaying the Play dialog. ``Play QUIET`` $$ STOPALL $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Stops any sounds that are currently playing in the background (due to the `Play QUIET` command). ``Play STOPALL``